The Templar's Secret (The Templar Series)

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Book: The Templar's Secret (The Templar Series) by C.M. Palov Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.M. Palov
charges stemmed from the fact that it’s rare to find a depiction of the Crucifixion in a Templar church. The few extant renderings of Jesus at Templar sites usually depict him as a teacher rather than god-like Savior. And, speaking of Templar sites, I’m perplexed by the reference in the Chinon transcript to Château Pèlerin.’
    Shifting her hips slightly, Edie smoothed a fold of bunched fabric. Attired for comfort, she wore a lightweight summer dress. Caedmon, also casually attired, was outfitted in khaki trousers and a blue short-sleeved polo shirt. ‘As I recall, the inquisitor asked Fortes de Pinós if he knew about any relics that had been warehoused at Château Pèlerin and he replied “no”.’
    ‘That’s not precisely the answer he gave,’ Caedmon pointed out. ‘De Pinós prevaricated, stating that he’d never been to that particular Templar commandery. I keep wondering why , of all the hundreds of Templar castles and commanderies, did the inquisitor want to know about Château Pèlerin?’
    ‘Excuse me for being late to the party, but where exactly is Château Pèlerin located?’
    ‘It was situated in the Holy Land, just a few miles southeast of Mount Carmel. A massive fortress, the Knights Templar constructed it to withstand a long-term siege.’ Bracketing his chin on his thumb, Caedmon lightly tapped a finger against his upper lip. ‘Curiously enough, Château Pèlerin is French for “Pilgrim Castle”.’
    ‘ I take it that’s an important –’ Edie snapped her fingers, suddenly making the connection. ‘“To see the house where Lucas dwelled, the faithful pilgrim sought the brother’s way. Setting forth from the lion’s castle, he dropped the French iron in a Spanish harbor,”’ she said excitedly, quoting from Fortes de Pinós’s riddle in the Chinon transcript. ‘Are you thinking what I’m thinking, that the word “pilgrim” is some sort of clue as to the gospel’s whereabouts?’
    ‘While I don’t want to jump to an erroneous conclusion, there may possibly be a link between the Evangelium Gaspar and Château Pèlerin,’ Caedmon remarked in a circumspect tone of voice. ‘Amidst all the sensationalism, people tend to forget that the Knights Templar were originally founded to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land, and Mount Carmel was one of the more popular sites on the pilgrimage route.’
    Dutifully obeying the audio announcement, Edie buckled in for the landing. ‘Well, I know why Jerusalem was a must-see holy site, but what was the big deal about Mount Carmel?’
    ‘Its significance has more to do with the Old Testament than the New,’ Caedmon said as he, too, reached for his seatbelt. ‘Part of a coastal mountain range in northern Israel, Mount Carmel has a storied history as a religious sanctuary. When the medieval crusaders first explored Mount Carmel in 1150, they discovered a group of monastic holy men living there. Modern biblical scholars now believe that these holy men were, in fact, the descendants of an obscure Jewish sect known as the Essenes.’
    ‘They were the ones who hid the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, right?’
    Caedmon nodded. ‘They also maintained a sanctuary at Mount Carmel. According to the ancient Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, the sect flourished during the 300-year period between the Second Century BC and the First Century of the common era.’ Unbuckling his watch, Caedmon popped out the crown with this thumbnail and proceeded to reset his timepiece. ‘Additionally, Josephus recounts that the Essenes maintained an extensive library at Mount Carmel where they preserved the secret teachings of the ancient prophets.’
    Another piece of the puzzle, albeit a small one, suddenly snapped into place. ‘So, if Mount Carmel was a sacred destination, there could have been untold relics and ancient texts stashed away in mountain hidey-holes which were discovered by the Knights Templar and taken to Château Pèlerin,’ Edie speculated.

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