The Teacher

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Book: The Teacher by Meg Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Gray
beautiful family and Emma’s. In her dream, Seth was her
husband and the two little boys were their sons. Emma shook the thought out of
her mind—it was a just a dream.
    Her fantasy slowly abandoned her mind as
she padded down the hallway to the bathroom. Swinging the door open, she was
overcome with steam and the fresh smell of aftershave. Seth was at the sink, a
towel wrapped around his waist. A small circle was rubbed out of the middle of
the steamed up mirror. The sight of his half-naked body, with his broad shoulders
and sculpted muscles, brought all of her fantastic wishes back. There might not
be much chemistry between the two of them, okay there was none, but Emma
thought she could give up some of the passion for the pleasure of waking up next
to a man as gorgeous as Seth.
    She backed out of the door mumbling an
embarrassed sorry.
    “Don’t worry about it,” Seth called.
“I’ll be out in a minute, and then it’s all yours.”
    Emma went to the kitchen where she
poured herself a cup of coffee and doctored it with organic cream and natural
sugar. How could she have forgotten Seth was here this morning? She’d just been
thinking about him. Mortified, Emma sat at the table and sipped her steaming coffee.
The door to the bathroom opened and then Seth’s door closed. Emma pulled her
legs up into the chair and wrapped her hands around the mug warding off some of
the morning chill.
    “How are you doing?” Seth asked as he
walked in, wearing his suit and tie. He glanced at her over his shoulder as he
stood at the coffee pot and filled his commuter cup.
    “I’m good,” she said, taking another sip
from her own mug.
    “You gonna be okay today? I could call a
cab for you this morning.”
    “No, I’ll be fine. The sun’s almost up
and there will be plenty of traffic by the time I walk to school today. Thanks,
    “You sure?” he asked, walking over and
kissing her on top of the head, just like Emma had seen her own father do a
million times to her mother before he went off to work in the mornings.
    Emma nodded.
    “Alright, I’ll see you tonight then.” He
was almost to the door when he turned back around. “Hey are you still up for
that stupid party Stacy wants to take us to tonight?”
    “I don’t know,” Emma said. Truth be told
she wasn’t excited about the little shindig Stacy roped them into at all. It was
a singles event.
    It would be like all the other singles
parties Stacy had dragged them to, a room full of young aspiring professionals,
talking about their successes, how much their bonus was from last year and how
far up the corporate ladder they had climbed. Of course, Emma was always asked
what she did for a living and that’s usually when the conversation died. Once
she uttered the words kindergarten teacher, no one could relate to her anymore.
They’d usually supply something perfunctory like; Oh, I loved my
kindergarten teacher, what was her name again? Or Do you still have
naptime and sleep on those little mats? Or Do you drink milk from those
little cartons with the little straws? That’s all anyone thought
kindergarten was, naptime and snack. She really hated going to these parties.
    “What do you say the two of us just stay
in then? I’ll grab a pizza on the way home and you pick out a movie. I’ll call
Stacy today and cancel, okay?”
    “She’ll kill us,” Emma said with a smile,
but she couldn’t think of a better way to spend her evening.
    Seth gave her a wink and shrugged as he
walked out the door.
    It was raining when Emma stepped from
the apartment building. She started to reach for her umbrella when she
remembered the fate it suffered last night and wondered what became of it. She
flipped up the hood of her bright red raincoat and started her walk. It was
casual Friday at Fitzpatrick, so today Emma wore jeans, the school’s logoed
sweatshirt and tennis shoes.
    Emma arrived later than usual this
morning and unlocked the door to the classroom as the students

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