The Sword and The Prophet (A Syren Novel)

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Book: The Sword and The Prophet (A Syren Novel) by Missy LaRae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Missy LaRae
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wearin’ the same clothes that I’d gotten dirty and wet up on the deck. So much for bein’ a polite house guest. Tyler’s face creased in worry, and he chewed on his bottom lip, somethin’ he never did unless somethin’ was really eatin’ at him.
    “What’s got you so ate up?” I asked him. I was hopin’ he wasn’t gonna say anything about my vampire teeth from the night before, or the fact that my hair seemed to be crawlin’ its way across the bed all on its own. It was kind of like havin’ a puppy, only not really.
    “I left the room a few minutes ago to see if I could get somethin’ to eat, and on the way down the stairs heard Evelyne and Michael talkin’ in their room. They said somethin’ about me comin’ into my powers, and a ceremony on the full moon. They said they had to wait ‘till I transformed or somethin’ and then they could do it. Sounded like they meant to kill us. Then Michael said somethin’ about some lady named Asrah goin’ someplace called Amatia Prime to tell our father about us.” Well that sure beat out my weirdo hair.
    I could feel the sun streamin’ through the windows, and looked around. I’d been so hopeful on the train that this place would work out. After meeting Michael those feelings changed. I was scared. Really scared. I felt like time stilled, and I looked my twin right in the eyes. We’d always been very close, able to feel one another when we’d been in pain, able to tell each other stuff just by lookin’ in the other’s eyes. I knew that he was tellin’ me the truth, but I didn’t know what to do with it. What were we gonna do? We were just kids, fifteen years old, and no one listened to kids. That’s what Mama always told us. She said no one would believe us if we ever said a bad word about her, and I know she was right. You could just tell when Mama would say somethin’ that was right, and when she’d say somethin’ that was wrong.
    “Well, looks like we gotta get ourselves out a here then.” I didn’t know what else to say other than that. Tyler and I had made it to Charleston all right all on our own, and I knew we’d be okay if we could just get out of Aunt Evelyne’s house.
    “Let’s get our stuff together, and ask Evelyne if she’ll take us out to do some sight seein’ or some shoppin’. We’ll have to run from her while we’re doin’ that.” I knew it was the right thing to do. I knew it was our only option. After last night I didn’t think that they’d let us out of the house alone, and I wasn’t sure what I’d do if they tried stoppin’ us.
    “Well, then, that’s what we have to do,” Tyler was resigned. His eyes looked sharply at me, and searched mine for a long minute before he stood up. “I’m gonna open the door and knock on your door and pretend I’m wakin’ you up for the day. Once I do that they’ll know we’re coming downstairs.” It was a good plan.
    I got out of the bed and put my shoes back on, and walked to the door with him. He opened it up and walked across the hall to my room and knocked on the door.
    “Lily, wake up! Gotta go get somethin’ to eat!” Tyler shouted through the door. He stood there for a moment before openin’ up the door. I think he was just as surprised as I was to see Michael standing on the other side of it.

Chapter 6
“A hhhhhmaaaahhhttiiiiiahhhhhh!”
    The scream echoed through the chamber, and the young female sprang up from a dead sleep. Her eyes darted around, and she leaped out of bed as fast as she could. She hurriedly dressed in clothing suitable for running through the Imperial Chapel and bolted out of her room as fast as a shooting star. Her hair streamed behind her, long and thick. It was burnished silver in the moonlight, and the tendrils wrapped themselves around her arms, comforting her as she ran. She slowed as she passed the midnight Sentinels, and they put their hand over their hearts as she ran past them. She replied in kind, but couldn’t take any time to

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