Kristi Gold - Hotel Marchand 04

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Book: Kristi Gold - Hotel Marchand 04 by Damage Control Read Free Book Online
Authors: Damage Control
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Pete said. “You have to go with us, but I’ll take you for ice cream afterward.”
    “I don’t wanna go for ice cream. I wanna go paint with the girl.”
    “I’m sorry,” Pete said. “I’m sure he’ll be fine after his nap.”
    Adam clung to Renee as if he needed a rescuer. “I don’t wanna nap, either.”
    Anne nodded to her right. “Could I speak with you a moment in private, Pete?”
    As he followed Anne toward the opposite corner, Pete sent a quick glance at Renee, a hint of confusion in his expression. Renee had to admit she was a bit baffled, too. She couldn’t imagine what her mother was up to, although she didn’t have to wait long to find out when they returned in a matter of moments.
    “I’ve offered to take Adam with me back to your grandmére’s house while you both attend the wedding,” Anne said. “Daisy Rose would love to have the company of someone her own age for a change, and it would give me a nice break. They could watch a movie or two and I can make sure they have a decent dinner.”
    Renee suspected she knew what this was all about—her mother seeing the opportunity for a little matchmaking. Get the famous director and the daughter alone, and anything was possible, or at least that’s what her mother would believe. “That’s too much for you, Mother, taking care of two preschoolers.”
    “Charlotte’s stopping by for dinner, so she can help out,” Anne said. “Besides, it would mean so much to Daisy Rose to have a playmate.”
    Adam clasped Pete’s hand in both of his and yanked hard. “Can I go, Uncle Pete?”
    Pete turned his attention to Renee. “I don’t want to impose.”
    “No imposition at all,” Anne said. “Right, Renee?”
    She could argue the point some more, and look like a jerk to Adam. Look as if she didn’t trust her own mother. Or she could give in. “I’m sure that would be a nice change for my niece. But only if you give your okay.”
    Pete scooped Adam up in his arms. “As long as you promise to behave.”
    Adam grinned. “I promise.”
    “Then I guess my answer is yes.” He slid Adam down to the ground. “I appreciate this, Anne. He’ll enjoy having someone to entertain him aside from me.”
    Renee stood silently by, realizing that again she would be alone with Pete. But not necessarily alone. After all, they would be in the company of the bride and groom. And she certainly didn’t have to hang around with Pete after the ceremony. “We’ll come by and pick Adam up right after the wedding,” she said.
    “No need to hurry.” Anne turned her smile on Pete, which could very well mean she was plotting against Renee. “You need to keep her out for a while. She spends too much time working, and not enough time playing—”
    Renee’s suspicions had been confirmed. “Mother.”
    Anne tried to look clueless, but it wasn’t working on Renee. “What’s the matter, chère? It’s the truth. You need to have some fun for a change.”
    “Your mother’s probably right,” Pete added. “You’ve always been fairly obsessive when it comes to work.”
    Renee could not believe he had the nerve to say that. “I suppose you would know all about that, Mr. Traynor, considering you’re much the same.”
    He grinned. “True, but if I’m willing to take a break, you should, too.”
    “Listen to him, Renee,” Anne said. “He’s obviously a very smart man.”
    Great. Just great. Her mother had formed an alliance with the man whose actions had basically wrecked her career. Of course, Anne wasn’t aware of that fact, and Renee didn’t intend to tell her unless absolutely necessary. She also had no intention of staying out all night with Pete Traynor, even if that wasn’t altogether unappealing.
    “We’ll be back well before midnight,” Renee said. “We’ll drop Adam off on our way to the wedding.”
    “I don’t see any reason why he can’t come with us now,” Anne said. “Unless you do, Pete.”
    Pete hesitated, as if

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