The Sword And The Olive

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Book: The Sword And The Olive by Martin van Creveld Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martin van Creveld
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    Ofek Horizon; generic name for Israeli satellites
    PALMACH (Plugot Machats) Hagana’s pre-1948 strike force
    PALYAM (PALMACH-YAM) PALMACH’s naval company
    PAZAM (pesek zman minimali) minimum periods between promotions
    PGMs precision-guided munitions
    pkida plugatit, pkiddot plugatiyot (pl.) company clerk (female)
    POUM (1) Plugot Meyuchadot (Special Companies); Hagana intelligence organization set up in 1941; (2) Pikkud U-mateh (Command and General Staff College)
    PTSD posttraumatic stress disorder
    RAFAEL (Rashut Le-pituach Emtsaei Luchama) Weapon Development Authority
    RAFI (Reshimat Poalei Yisrael) Israeli Workers’ List; a party founded by Ben Gurion after his resignation as prime minister in 1963
    Rechesh Acquisition; Hagana’s arms-procurement organization
    Reshef Spark; a class of Israeli missile boats
    rosh mateh klali chief of the General Staff
    rosh mifkada artsit chief of country headquarters, the title carried by Hagana’s chief of staff
    RPV remotely piloted vehicle
    Saar Tempest; a class of Israeli missile boats
    sabra “the fruit of the cactus,” a nickname for Israeli-born Jews
    sayarot commando units
    SAM surface-to-air missile
    Shavit Comet 2, an (unsuccessful?) surface-to-surface missile built by RAFAEL during the early 1960s
    Sherut Aviri Air Service; PALMACH’s underground air arm
    Sherut Zehirut Prudence Service; Hagana’s security service
    Shin Bet (Sherut Bitachon) Israel’s domestic Security Service
    shomer, shomrim (pl.) guard
    SIGINT signals intelligence
    siyur, siyurim (pl.) patrol
    slik, slikkim (pl.) an underground chamber where arms were hidden
    SNS Special Night Squads; commando units organized by Capt. Orde Wingate during the disturbances of 1936-1939
    TAAS (Taasiya Tsvait) Israel Military Industries Ltd.
    tachkir, tachkirim (pl.) debriefing
    tadrich, tadrichim (pl.) briefing
    taoz, teozim (pl.) bunker
    timsach, timaschim (pl.) crocodiles; code name for rafts used in crossing the Suez Canal in 1973
    TOW tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided antitank missile
    TSAHAL (Tsva Hagana Le-Yisrael) IDF
    tsva keva standing forces
    UAV unmanned airborne vehicle
    ugda division
    Uzi Israeli-made submachine gun
    YAMACH, YAMACHim (pl.) (yechidat machsanei cherum) emergency depot
    yeshive, yeshivot (pl.) talmudic high school
    yeshivot hesder arrangement yeshives; Talmudic high schools in which students split time between the military and study
    Yishuv pre-1948 Jewish community in Palestine
    zroa ha-hachraa the decisive arm; applied to each arm and service to itself

    THE AUTUMN OF 1998 was perhaps the most hopeful moment in the entire hundred-year history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. At Wye Plantation, Maryland, Israeli, Palestinian, and American representatives were hard at work. Their purpose was to hammer out an agreement that would enable the Israel Defense Force (IDF) to withdraw from parts of the City of Hebron. At the head of the Israeli delegation to the talks was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, political hardliner and leader of the Likud Party. Many observers believed that should the negotiations succeed, the most important obstacle to peace would have been overcome and the end of the conflict would be in sight.
    The negotiations did succeed, but the conflict did not come to an end. Whether because the Israelis refused to continue working toward a final agreement, which would have entailed more withdrawals, or because the Palestinians did not meet their obligations under the agreement by gathering illegal arms and ending incitement of violence against Israel, the peace process stalled. Disappointed with Mr. Netanyahu’s inability to make progress, Israeli voters ousted him in favor of Ehud Barak, but even the latter’s offer to surrender 96 percent of

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