The Supermodel's Best Friend (A Romantic Comedy)

Read Online The Supermodel's Best Friend (A Romantic Comedy) by Gretchen Galway - Free Book Online

Book: The Supermodel's Best Friend (A Romantic Comedy) by Gretchen Galway Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gretchen Galway
Tags: Romance, sexy, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy, California romance, beach read, fun
Huntley’s weight and wiped a floppy chunk hair out of his
eyes with his free hand. “Sorry, buddy. Sometimes I don’t know my
own strength.”
    They stumbled down the dirt path until they
came to the paved walkway leading away from the lodge. “It’s the
Live Oak cabin,” Huntley said. “Number seven.”
    “Lucky seven,” Miles said.
    “Asked for it—on—p-purpose.”
    Miles caught Fawn’s eye and managed a smile.
Her concern wasn’t faked, that was obvious. “Maybe you are lucky,
Huntley.” He stopped, nodded at the cabin next to them, and bent
his knees. “I’ll try to carry him from here. That’s cabin four
    “Thanks, Jolly,” Huntley said, rigid in his
arms. “Fawn—sweetie—would you tell Eric to get Rita for me?”
    “Don’t you want a doctor?” Fawn asked.
    “No, Rita can massage it out of me. It’s just
a little tweak.”
    She frowned. “But—”
    “Leave Lucy with us. She’ll keep an eye on
Miles,” Huntley said, smiling faintly.
    Fawn kissed him tenderly before throwing
Miles a warning look and departing.
    Sweat building on his forehead, Miles shifted
his load and hurried through the trees to the distant cabin.
Huntley wasn’t very tall, but he was loaded with high-maintenance
muscles and weighed more than he’d expected.
    “I’m getting old,” Miles muttered, staggering
past cabin six.
    “ You are,” Huntley said. “Look at
    They both laughed until Miles stumbled over a
tree root and Huntley swore. “Easy, Jolly.”
    “Call me that again and I’m dropping you
right here.”
    Lucy jogged ahead of them, her round bottom a
welcome distraction. “I’ll get the door,” she said, hurrying up the
    Pausing to gather his strength, Miles took a
deep breath and hauled his friend up the stairs and inside. It was
like his cabin, but all brown and mossy green and the bed was
bigger. He gently lay Huntley down on top of the covers.
    He was more concerned about his friend than
he wanted to admit. “You sure about the doctor? You seem pretty
screwed up for one little fall.”
    Sinking back into the pillows, Huntley closed
his eyes. “No doctor.”
    Miles leaned over him on the bed. “Not like
you have to worry about paying for it.” He made a move toward the
end of the bed to take off Huntley’s shoes but Lucy was already
there, her pale fingers working apart the laces.
    “Nice boots,” she said.
    “New,” Huntley said, opening his eyes.
    “Yeah, buddy?”
    Huntley was gazing at him, his face serious.
After a long moment he said, “Please stay.”
    “Of course. But if you can’t get up soon, I’m
bringing you to a hospital.”
    “I mean for the wedding. The week. I need
you, Miles.” He closed his eyes, opened them again. When he spoke,
his voice was so soft Miles had to lean down to hear him. “You were
right. I don’t think I can stand up to my parents without you
    Miles glanced back at Lucy, saw by the shock
on her face that she’d heard. No help for it. He cleared his
throat. “If you really love her, you will.”
    “Not if I’m too weak. You know how I am
around them.”
    “You’ve just never been sufficiently
motivated.” Miles squeezed his shoulder. “Just do it.”
    “Easy for you to say. You know you can, being
on your own so long. Maybe it’s too late for me, like that part of
my brain just didn’t develop at the critical time.”
    “Huntley.” Miles sat down on the bed, careful
not to jostle his friend. “You’re a good guy. You love your
parents. They’re devoted to you and you’re devoted to them. It’s
usually a good thing. Just sometimes, you need to push back a
little more, take a stand. Like now. There’s nothing wrong with
your brain.” He flicked the guy’s forehead. “At least, not in that
    Huntley glanced at Lucy, who had politely
turned away to pour a glass of water from the bar, and gestured
Miles closer. “They really don’t want me to get married,”

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