The Sunfire

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Book: The Sunfire by Mike Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Smith
Tags: Science-Fiction
history. But wisely he
did not voice any of these thoughts aloud. The final decision had to be hers,
and not influenced by his own personal feelings. “So what did you tell the
    “I told him that it was an important decision, which I
needed to have time to think about, and I would let him know,” she replied in a
hesitant voice.
    Her sidestepping such an important question disappointed
him, but at the same time he could hardly blame her. If he were asked to decide
the fate of the Empire, he would probably want to think about it too. “And when
are you going to make your decision?” he inquired delicately.
    “I don’t know Jon. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t
want to become like my father, so intricately involved in the day-to-day
running of the Imperium that I lose sight of what is in front of me,” she
explained, hesitantly at first but then with more confidence. A political
problem in front of her, to be analysed and debated, just as she and her father
used to do over dinner. “However, what is the alternative? The power structure
of the Imperium is built around the Emperor. He is the linchpin and without him
the Empire would fall apart with all the component pieces grinding to a halt.
The Empire would disintegrate, and the result?” Sofia had no need to continue,
both of them had studied pre-Empire history. All the individual systems warring
against each other, countless millions dead with human civilization on the
brink of collapse. “The Emperor is the key to the current power structure,”
Sofia repeated aloud. “Without him we would need a completely different
political structure, something else — ” Sofia trailed off in
    Wincing in pain Jon lay back on the bed, his back in
complete agony having spent so much time sitting up. “I’m just a soldier,” he
replied painfully. “I follow orders and leave those decisions to the
    “What did you just say?” Sofia asked sharply.
    “I said I leave the big decisions to the politicians,” Jon
replied, closing his eyes, waiting for the pain to dissipate.
    “You're a genius!” Sofia exclaimed in delight, leaning
forward brushing her lips against his. Without even considering his actions,
for they were automatic, he immediately opened his mouth and Sofia’s tongue
swept in, trailing fire. Once again Jon was swept away on a tide of emotion, a
feeling of completeness overcoming him, a strong sense of fulfilment, the way
the universe should be.
    All too soon reality came crashing down on him, like a blast
of cold water. His eyes snapped open and he none too gently pushed Sofia away,
however desperately his body yearned for her touch. His eyes came to rest on
Sofia, now a couple of steps away. Her face was flushed, lips swollen from
their passionate kisses, but her face and eyes displayed her complete shock and
    “Jon,” she pleaded.
    “Stop. We cannot do this.” Jon gasped out loud, trying to
get his racing heart under control. “You are the Imperial Princess Sofia
Aurelius, the daughter of the Emperor. It’s death for anybody to even touch
    “I don’t care about any of that,” Sofia cried, tears
streaming down her face. “I want you. I love — ” she snapped
her mouth shut abruptly, realising what she had so nearly uttered.
    Gritting his teeth, trying to blink away the pain, Jon
slowly sat upright in bed, swinging his feet to the side. He had no intention
of actually trying to stand as it would look embarrassing for anybody entering
the room to see the invincible Praetorian Commander on the floor, unable to
even stand upright. Instead, looking up at Sofia’s tear-stained cheeks, he
wondered if he was cursed to go through the rest of his life hurting this
wonderful woman. Not trusting himself to even attempt to touch her, he tried to
    “It’s not a question of what we want, but our duty. Here and
now you are the Imperial Princess Sofia Aurelius, daughter of the late

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