The Story of Channon Rose: Lessons between the Lines

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Book: The Story of Channon Rose: Lessons between the Lines by Channon Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Channon Rose
feel like my second home. My time at the UCLA ward just went by as usual I guess you could say. For some reason I don’t have as vivid of a memory of UCLA as I did at Pinegrove. Maybe it was the meds, or maybe I just was getting better at blocking stuff out of my memory.
     (In Order: Khloe Kardashian, Me, Ashley, and Danny on our way to a field trip) 
    I was released from the UCLA hospital just before turning 14 years old and just before I was about to go into 7 th grade. It was time for a new school, middle school. None of my friends were going to my middle school, so it was a clean slate in a new private school. Montclair College Prep was expensive and prestigious, and I was accepted there on a sports scholarship. I made some new friends there and I also made friends with now celebrity Khloe Kardashian. Khloe was super sweet to me. We were good friends and hung out all the time.
    She wasn’t famous back then although her stepdad dad was a professional athlete and I remember her showing me a Wheaties box with his face on it in their kitchen one day when I went over to her house after school. I didn’t really think that much about it, and I knew where they lived there were other celebrities but it wasn’t of any importance to me. Almost every kid’s parents at that school were famous or rich for something. Khloe was cool, and all that I remember was that I wanted for her to teach me how she did her amazing make-up; she was so good at it.
    There were a lot of celebrity kids at that school. I really enjoyed it but I often felt like the poor kid there on a scholarship, but it was a top-notch school and everyone was really nice so it didn’t matter.
    I even got my first boyfriend at that school. His name was Danny; he was blonde with blue eyes, and had a great smile. We only kissed on the lips a few times, but back then of course it was a lot for me and a pretty grown up thing to do! There were a lot of boys that liked me and I thought it was really cool, especially since I thought I was hideous and fat. Another good friend I made at the time was Ashley. She was a total rebel and had very wealthy parents like most of the kids at that school. One day after school we went to her house and I realized that she also had a workaholic father who was absent from her life. It was a huge thing we could both relate to each other on. Ashley lived next door to a Playboy model and would go over there and hang out and get to try on all of her sexy clothes. I remember going over to the Playboy model’s house and seeing how cool it was. I was fascinated by her lifestyle. Her house was decorated so awesome and she had so many amazing things I had never seen before like a couch in the shape of lips! Everything was so modern and expensive looking. It was so much fun hanging out with her. The home itself was gorgeous, and I could tell she had a lot of money. The Playboy model was blonde, beautiful, and really cool. One day she told us she was going to Vegas and Ashley asked her if we could go with her. She laughed and said if it was okay with our parents, sure. I don’t think the model thought Ashley’s dad would actually say yes. We were only 14 years old! But we wanted to go so badly. We begged and eventually convinced Ashley’s dad to let us go. He had been drinking so it really could have gone either way, but to our surprise he let us go! Besides, rich kids always get what they want. We were so excited. Going to Vegas with a Playboy model at the age of 14, who get’s to do that? I had never been to Vegas before. I couldn’t believe how cool it was. I was in awe when we got there. We were staying at a really nice hotel. We even had our own room that was directly connected to the model’s room.
    The Playboy model invited some friends over and then they all went out for the night, so we snuck into her room to check it out. There was cocaine on the tables and all kinds of party stuff I wasn’t used to seeing. There was also a pack of

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