placing man in authority over woman, and ever since, it seems like the Jezebel spirit has been trying to steal that authority. The women's rights movement has played right into its agenda."
Casie agreed, and then continued. "Next to marriages, church is its favorite place to establish a throne because then it is not only gaining worship for itself, but is also stealing it away from God. As its kingdom gains strength, God's Kingdom diminishes within that place, and the people have no clue what is going on. I think that this may be why we have so many dead churches. Without discernment, they are tolerating this spirit and the sin (which is often hidden at first) that it operates in."
"Just for the record," Nicole asked, "there is a distinction between the Jezebel spirit and the person that the spirit tries to attach to, right?"
"Absolutely," Casie said. "God loves the individual whether or not they are a Christian. He understands the fierce battle for their soul, but He has no tolerance for this wicked spirit and strictly warns His people not to tolerate it either. Those who do tolerate it and refuse to repent will eventually suffer severe consequences."
Nicole said, "I was just thinking about the Jezebel spirit that we encountered in the balcony at church. It had come in with a woman who had been part of that church many years before. The woman was long gone, but that spirit had stayed connected to the building because no one had recognized it and commanded it to leave."
"Oh yeah!" Casie exclaimed. "And it tried to attach itself to you. It was waiting for just the right person to fall prey to its seduction. Just think how differently things would have gone if you wouldn't have recognized it and had given in to it!"
Nicole shivered. "Scary thought! I was wondering how a Christian could allow such a terrible spirit to work its way into their life, but in thinking about that experience, I can totally understand how."
Casie explained, "Jezebel loves to find Christians to attach to. It will even encourage non-Christians to go to church, maybe even to have a 'salvation' experience. That way it can work it's destruction from the inside out.
"This spirit takes advantage of people who have been wounded and unloved because they are often looking for ways to be in control so that they won't be hurt again. It offers that false sense of comfort, power and control that appeals to them.
"Because it disguises itself under a front of religiosity and offers perks such as knowledge of God, His word and false prophecy, Christians who are not spiritually wide awake may think this is a godly thing and may not notice that they are being enticed by religion devoid of relationship with God."
Nicole said, "Wow, I get it. Unless the targeted victim, or any of us for that matter, stays very close to Jesus and chooses to recognize and renounce the lies that we are being fed, we most likely will not be aware that we are being led into a web of deceit and ultimate destruction."
Casie agreed. "The Jezebel spirit is attracted to people who are usually very intelligent, talented, charming or charismatic. They may be someone who has a true heart for God, has leadership potential and who has been given many spiritual gifts. It looks for those with open doors in their lives that it can attach to, and then begins to deceive them into using their personality and gifts for its own purpose rather than God's."
Nicole said, "Churches are always in need of people who are willing to serve. I can see how they could ignorantly welcome and give a place of service to someone under Jezebel's influence."
Casie said, "Another big open door in church leaders is pride, or rather the lie that that says that they are spiritual enough and successful enough that they won't fall into sin; or that they are exempt from God's judgment or punishment of their sin. They begin to tolerate just a little sinful thing; justify
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