The Sky Phantom

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Book: The Sky Phantom by Carolyn G. Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn G. Keene
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after all!
    Nancy asked him, “Was this due to a sudden lightning storm?”
    The Indian said he did not know. “I think not,” he replied. “If this had been so, I believe my grandfather would have told us that. He was a student of the stars and of storms.”
    As soon as Nancy and Bruce had filed their report, he drove her to the ranch. Pop Hamilton and some of the cowboys standing around listened with interest to Nancy’s story, but none of them believed it.
    Chuck said, smiling, “You should have brought us a souvenir!”
    The girl sleuth said, “Next time,” and went to her room. In a few minutes Bess and George came in.
    When Nancy described her adventure, Bess shivered. “What an awful experience!” she said. “Didn’t you just about die?”
    Nancy admitted that for a few minutes she had thought she and Bruce were finished. “It’s a horrible feeling.”
    George spoke up. “You’d better not let your Dad hear about this,” she advised. “He might forbid you to take any more flying lessons with Bruce, even if he is an expert.”
    Nancy did not reply, and Bess changed the subject. “Have you heard about the great party that’s planned for tonight?”
    “No,” Nancy said.
    “There’s to be a masquerade,” Bess went on. “They just decided on it.”
    Nancy glanced at her watch. “They haven’t given us much time to think of costumes. I’m afraid my wardrobe is a bit meager to try doing something original with it.”
    There was silence for a while as the girls searched for both clothes and inspiration.
    At last Bess had an idea. “I’ll go as a gypsy,” she decided. With a giggle she added, “I’ll borrow the bedspread from my cot for a gown, and take two rings from the drapery pole to hang over my ears. And I’ll use my own bracelets.”
    George left the room and returned in a little while with a pair of cowboy boots three times too big for her.
    “This is the first part of my clown costume,” she announced. “I think Pop will lend me his big red shirt. ”I’ll let the long sleeves hang down and cover my hands completely.” The usually conservative girl said she would fix up her face with rouge and powder to complete the outfit.
    The other girls laughed, and Nancy said, “You’ll look great. I’m going to wear this long white dress, or nightgown, whichever you want to call it, and borrow some white cheesecloth to wind around and around me.”
    “Are you trying to be the great white cloud?” George teased.
    “That’s not a bad idea,” Nancy answered. “Actually I thought I’d call myself the blithe spirit, but maybe strange cloud would be better.”
    There was still an hour before suppertime, so again the three girls sat down to decode the balance of the symbols engraved into the medal.
    After a little while George called out, “I have one!”
    “What is it?” Nancy asked eagerly.
    George replied, “We know the first word on the second line is ‘under.’ I have the next one. I think the word is ‘great.’ ”
    The other girls were excited. “Now we’re getting someplace,” Nancy said.
    Just then the telephone rang. She was next to it, so she picked up the instrument.
    “It’s Ned!” Nancy exclaimed, “and Burt, and also Dave—Come and listen!”
    The three girls crowded together as Ned said, “We have a surprise for you girls. We’ll be out very soon to visit!”
    “How soon?” Nancy asked.
    “Any day now,” Ned replied.
    “Hi!” came Burt’s voice. “We can’t wait to see you girls.”
    George said that the ranch was a great place for a good time and she would be glad to see them. “I’ll show you all around.”
    “Hi, Bess!” Dave called into the phone. “How is everything?”
    When Bess did not answer immediately, he asked, “Are you there, Bess? And are you all right? I’m counting the hours until I see you!”
    Bess mumbled into the phone, saying “Yes. Here I am. I’m fine. B-bring your r-riding clothes!” she stuttered.
    Ned came

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