The Siren Series 1: Ember
eh?” Constantine asked and Brandon noticed he no longer had the
gills of the Mer on his neck like the other warriors.
    Ember stepped forward and Madden blocked her
progress. “No, Ember... we do not know if he abides by the treaty
or if he is a renegade.”
    Ember stared at the male that held a pale
girl against him. She was naked and clasped loosely against the
front of him.
    She was also of Maiden blood.
    Ember spoke through the heat which separated
the supernaturals, “Warlord of Hades, release the Maiden to our
charge,” Ember said.
    Nice greeting , Brandon
thought, holding in a snicker and grateful he had won the war with
his dick. Nothing like a battle about ready to ensue to get over
the momentary naked girl situation.
    The male's tail, thick and black, flicked
like an agitated cat behind him and his hand moved down the girl's
flat stomach, her pale skin holding some of that same glow that
Ember's did, but more muted.
    He dipped a finger into the slit of her sex
and Brandon's arousal came back to life again in a rush and she
    It was cold water on his cock.
    Brandon didn't know if she wanted him
fingering her, it stirred the Druid part of him to life instantly.
The instinct to protect roared to life.
    “ No,” he said to Ember in a
flat voice, spreading the girl's parts a little, practically peeing
in the corners to stake his ownership of her. Everywhere he touched
her, the skin reddened, just shy of blistering.
    Holy fuck , this guy was
burning her, Brandon realized.
    “ Take your hands away from
her, fire pimp,” Madden growled, taking his dagger-sized trident
out of its sheath.
    The smell of the sea surrounded Brandon and
his neck ached. He surmised that if he'd been closer to the sea,
gills would have burst from his throat, the presence of the Mer
bringing their shared blood to the surface of his being.
    Instead, it made him sense the blood of the
maidens and the male who held her took the finger that had been
rubbing her small nub, as her breathing increased and he placed it
in his mouth as he sucked her juices off his digging digit.
    Smoke came out of his mouth as if he'd put
the fire of that dipping finger out.
    Ruby let him have his way with her pussy in
front of the weirdos. Just like her entire life had been lived on
instinct; escaping with the barest fraction of safety, she let that
moment rule her. Deep inside her she knew this beast did not mean
to harm her, that somehow she was allowing something pivotal to
    Brolach had every opportunity to hurt her,
yet he did not. He'd saved her from a fate worse than death.
    Brolach put up that finger and every male's
eyes tracked it, they scented the delicious maiden, their restraint
at the smell of a female of rare lineage a tease to their
    Ember watched the males struggle and
repeated, “Stand by the treaty, Fire Lord. If there be a maiden
with blood of the Mer she is to be returned to the Sirens. You know
this,” Ember said, disgusted with his unabashed branding of the
    He looked at Ember, knowing who she was.
    Brolach knew what she was as well, though she did not.
He saved that morsel of information for later. “And if she be
demon? Then what shall we do?” he asked in that voice of roaring
flames and Ruby whimpered again, she wanted his tongue on her
parts, she wanted the flaming rod of his cock piercing her secret
    She'd well and truly lost her mind.
    Brolach chuckled at the innocent and tender
waves of desire that came off the girl. His cock throbbed and
burned to plunder her, yet he held back. There were simply too many
of the sea for him to fight this night. They would put out his heat
as surely as he stood smoldering before them.
    However, he would give this princess of the
Mer something to think about. Brolach had achieved his goal: he had
tasted of the girl, protected her from males who would defile a
rare female demon. She was not a full-blood, yet she had enough to
be mated.
    Brolach had tasted

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