The Silencer: A Bad Boy MMA Romance

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Book: The Silencer: A Bad Boy MMA Romance by Aubrey Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrey Michelle
patient’s charts. She looked beautiful and refreshed even though I’d kept her out all night. I walked up behind her and gave her a light smack on the ass. She jumped and almost dropped the chart she was writing in.
    When she turned and saw me standing there, I leaned in for a kiss on the cheek. She pushed me away and started rushing in the other direction. One of the girls at the front desk had witnessed what happened and was standing up at the nurse’s station, I guess hoping for a show of some sort.
    “Come with me,” she said as she turned her back towards me.
    I followed her down the hall, around the corner and into Casey’s room, where she closed the door behind us.
    “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” she asked with her voice in a panic. I had to admit that I was a little confused by her reaction, especially considering I woke up in her bed.
    “Holy shit, what in the hell did I do? I was just coming up to see my brother and you looked so good standing there.”
    “Yeah? Well, you can’t come into my place of work and grab on me like that. It’s not professional.”
    “I’m sorry,” I said, feeling bad that I seemed to have offended her. “I was just trying to play around a little. I won’t do it again.”
    “Thank you. It’s nothing against you. I like you—probably more than I should—especially after only knowing you for a short time.”
    “Yeah? Tell me more, Nurse Shelly,” I teased her.
    “Here’s the thing, there’s been all kinds of bullshit going on around work lately. I’m up for a pretty big promotion soon and there are certain people here that will do anything to prevent me from getting it so they can have it for themselves. One of the biggest rules we have here is that we’re not allowed to date the family of any of our residents. I could lose my job if anyone found out about us.”
    “I get it. I don’t want to cause you any trouble. I’ll be more careful when I come up to visit.”
    “It’s okay. You didn’t know and I’m sure you were only trying to play around. I promise there will be a time and place for that,” I winked.
    As I grabbed Casey’s chart to see if the doctor had made any notes that morning, I noticed Candace standing at the window of the door, watching our every move. She had her face pushed all the way against the glass, putting her nose where it didn’t belong. The second she realized that I noticed her, she pulled back and began to walk away.
    She was acting strange and I immediately wondered if she had witnessed what had happened out in the hallway. Candace had a habit of being all up in everyone’s business when she should have been focused on doing her damn job. If she saw what happened, I had no doubt that she’d run right to her aunt and file a report against me for inappropriate conduct.
    Annoyed and worried, I needed to get away to clear my head. I didn’t tell Jason that I had seen her there and he hadn’t noticed her.
    “Well, I’ve got some more rounds to make so I’ll let you and your brother have some privacy. Give me a call later, okay?”
    “Don’t worry, your phone will be ringing before you even get home.”
    I wanted to give him a kiss goodbye but there was no way I was going to risk that. Instead, I left the room, leaving Jason alone with Casey.
    As usual, there weren’t enough hours in the day for me to complete all the tasks that I needed to get done. It was getting close to 3:00 before I was even able to take a break to eat my lunch. In between tasks, I ran into the break room to grab the salad I made that morning. I wasn’t going to get to eat in peace like everyone else does. I’d have to take my lunch back to my desk and take bites between entering chart information into the computer.
    While I was trying to put my salad together, Candace came barging into the

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