The Silence of the Chihuahuas

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Book: The Silence of the Chihuahuas by Waverly Curtis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Waverly Curtis
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Lieberman prompted.
    â€œFrom, um . . .” Darn! This is when I really needed Pepe. He was always so good with coming up with schemes. “She sounded like she was inside a boat!” I said, not being able to come up with anything better.
    â€œA boat?”
    â€œWell, it was all hollow and echoey.” Oh dear, maybe he really would think I was crazy. “And I thought I could hear seagulls.” I improvised wildly.
    Dr. Lieberman scribbled some notes on his piece of paper. “And your partner?”
    â€œBrad! He disappeared about the same time this old lady got murdered and we found her lying in a pool of blood in her kitchen and it was painted lemon yellow.”
    â€œAnd that was significant because?”
    â€œBecause I told Brad that lemon yellow was too harsh a color.”
    More scribbling on the part of Dr. Lieberman. “Well, I can see why you would be upset,” he said at last, taking off his glasses and placing them on his desk. “It sounds like you’re under a lot of stress.”
    I nodded vigorously.
    â€œAnd I think you could definitely benefit from our services. The question is how quickly can we get you in?”
    â€œYes, that’s the question,” I said. “I brought a suitcase with me.” I was relieved. Apparently acting crazy was beneficial in some situations and this was one of them. “And my dog.”
    â€œAnd how do you think your dog feels about staying here with you?” Dr. Lieberman asked.
    â€œWhy don’t you ask him?” I said.
    Lieberman fixed his gaze on Pepe and asked, “Would you mind that, pup?”
    Pepe gave a deep sigh that shook his little frame, then laid down and rested his head on his front paws.
    Quickly, I interpreted. “He says he doesn’t mind at all. In fact, he’d be happy to stay here with me and work on his issues.”
    â€œVery well,” said Lieberman, smiling warmly at both of us. “We will admit you to our program as soon as possible.”
    â€œAs soon as possible?” I asked. “Not today?”
    â€œI need to consult with my colleagues to come up with a treatment plan. Your case has some”—he glanced over at Pepe who had jumped down and was sniffing around the room—“unusual components. Once we determine the proper level of treatment, then we have to wait until the right space becomes available.”
    â€œI wish I could stay here,” I said wistfully. Not only was I eager to find my sister, but I wanted a good excuse for not attending Jeff’s wedding.
    â€œDo you feel like you would be a danger to yourself or others?” he asked.
    â€œMaybe to Amber,” I said.
    â€œWho’s Amber?”
    â€œMy ex-husband’s fiancée. They’re getting married this weekend.”
    â€œAnd you think you might do something to hurt her?” Dr. Lieberman’s brow furrowed.
    â€œNot really,” I said. Pepe snarled. “But my dog might.”
    â€œAnd what would your dog do?” he asked.
    â€œWell, the first time he met my ex-husband, Pepe peed all over Jeff’s expensive Italian loafers.”
    â€œI see.” More scribbling on the papers. “So your dog acts out your feelings.”
    That was an interesting interpretation. I thought about Pepe’s brave attacks on marauders and murderers in our previous cases. If he was acting out my feelings, then maybe I was braver and more aggressive than I thought. “I suppose that’s true,” I said.
    Pepe gave a sharp bark. I think he was saying that I carried out his wishes rather than the other way around.
    â€œDo you think you can control him for a few days until I can get you some help?” Dr. Lieberman asked.
    I looked at Pepe. He looked at me.
    â€œWhy don’t you ask him?” Dr. Lieberman suggested.
    â€œDo you think you can be good for a few days?” I asked Pepe. Then I realized that was the last thing I wanted him

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