The Silence of the Chihuahuas

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Book: The Silence of the Chihuahuas by Waverly Curtis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Waverly Curtis
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the tall arched window behind us.
    The paperwork was pretty standard—much the same as I’d filled out for Suzanna when I first started seeing her: personal history, medical history, etc. When I came to the blank for insurance information, I balked. I didn’t really want my provider thinking I was nuts. So I wrote in “private pay.” I had enough in the bank to cover a short time at Forest Glen (I hoped) and it would be more than worth it to find and protect my sister.
    â€œMs. Sullivan!” It was Justin heading my way. “The doctor will see you now.”
    â€œThanks.” I stood and handed him the clipboard. Justin didn’t even look at it, just said, “Follow me. I’ll take you up to Dr. Lieberman’s office.”
    Pepe and I followed him up the stairs to the second floor where he knocked on a door marked “Intake.” The door opened, and a tall, grey-haired man, with tortoise-shell glasses, wearing a crisp white shirt and yellow tie, beckoned me inside. Once through the door, he offered me his hand, introduced himself as Dr. Lieberman, and motioned me to a green leather chair opposite his desk.
    â€œA pleasure to meet you, Ms. Sullivan,” he told me, looking through the paperwork Justin had handed him. “How are you today?”
    â€œI’m fine,” I told him. “My dog hopes you’re doing well, too.”
    â€œAh, yes.” He glanced at Pepe, who had jumped up onto the other chair, then at the paperwork, then back at Pepe. “This must be Pepe, yes? It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well, little pup.”
    â€œHe says gracias .”
    â€œ Da nada ,” said the doctor, evidently understanding Spanish. “So what would you say is the reason you are here, Miss Sullivan?”
    â€œWell, I hear my dog talking to me.”
    He looked thoughtful. “And this disturbs you?”
    â€œWell, no, actually Pepe is very helpful.” I looked at Pepe. I knew what he would say. He would say that he was more than helpful. In fact, if I was to be honest: “I think he actually sees me as his assistant.”
    The doctor was silent.
    I dug around in my purse and pulled out one of our business cards and handed it to Dr Lieberman. “In fact I’m pretty sure he thinks he’s the first Sullivan in Sullivan and Sullivan.”
    Dr. Lieberman set it down carefully. “And how does that affect you?”
    Finally someone was going to get to the root of the Pepe business.
    â€œWell, you know all my life I’ve been the second fiddle. My older sister was the responsible one and my youngest sister was the wild one so I sort of faded into the background. I’m loyal.”
    Pepe nodded.
    â€œAnd I’m quiet. I like to help other people. When my husband—ex-husband—wanted to get an MBA, I quit school and got a job as a secretary so we could pay our bills. Then when he graduated and got a good job at an insurance company and was supposed to put me through art school, he dumped me instead. For his secretary!”
    â€œThat must have been upsetting,” said Dr. Lieberman.
    I nodded. “Yes, but then I adopted Pepe and I got a job as a PI and I was enjoying that. Because I was helping people. But then Pepe stopped talking. Just when I needed him.”
    â€œAnd you feel you need his help?”
    â€œBecause I need to rescue my sister—someone is trying to kill her—and find my partner who’s disappeared.”
    â€œSo tell me more about that.”
    â€œWell my dog was talking to me and then one day he stopped. And he hasn’t said a word since.”
    â€œNo, I mean about your sister and your partner.”
    â€œWell, Teri called me and said someone was trying to kill her. And the call came from inside—”
    Pepe barked.
    I stopped. I couldn’t tell the psychiatrist that I only wanted to get into Forest Glen to find my sister.
    â€œFrom inside?” Dr.

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