The Sheik's Rebellious Mistress

Read Online The Sheik's Rebellious Mistress by Elizabeth Lennox - Free Book Online

Book: The Sheik's Rebellious Mistress by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
    She almost didn"t answer him, but since he was asking instead of demanding this time, she decided to relent slightly. “I"ve been pretty sheltered my whole life.”
    His deep sigh shattered her even more than his angry questions had. “And now I"ve come along and ruined you.”
    She had to laugh at his old fashioned term. It eased the tension somewhat and for that, she was grateful.“I would hardly say I"m ruined,” she replied. “It doesn"t really apply in this day and age, but I thank you for being concerned about my reputation. If I guarantee that no one will know about our liaison tonight, will that make you feel better? And I don"t have a father that will show up on your doorstep with a shotgun, demanding marriage.” Her fingers gently touched his jaw line and she almost yelped when he suddenly reached out and nipped her fingers.
    “You were a virgin. Now you"re not.”
    She smiled and didn"t realize how her expression had turned her from a sweet, laughing innocent into a tempestuous beauty. “Yes, you"re right. And I can guarantee that my changed stats from virgin to nonvirgin will not affect the sun rising tomorrow morning.”
    He stood up abruptly, then reached down to pick her up into his arms.
    “What"s wrong?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Where are we going?” she asked nervously. She hoped he wasn"t going to demand that she get dressed and leave. She had genuinely enjoyed talking with him and the languorousfeelings she"d been experiencing in the aftermath of their interlude had been sweet and comforting.
    “We"re going to take a warm shower and then talk. I want to understand why you chose me to be your first lover,” he said.
    Electra"s mind scrambled. She wasn"t about to share her humiliating life with this wonderful, sophisticated man. But she"d definitely enjoy a shower with him. The water was instantly warm and she reveled in his soft touch as he gently rubbed the soap along her body. When he was done, he started to reach for the faucet to turn off the water but her hand stopped him. With his look of inquiry, she reached for the bar of soap and stepped closer to him, rubbing the bar along the muscles that had so fascinated her earlier. Since her curiosity had been only minimally appeased before, she took time now to touch and feel to her heart"s delight.
    In the end, she only made it as far as his arms again before he growled and lifted her into his arms, impaling her on his shaft, his arms moving her as the force of their passion took over once again.
    Once the climax for both of them had subsided this time, Electra could no longer stand on her own. She leaned against him, absorbing his strength and shaking as he toweled her dry. He picked her up, wrapped in the towel and carried her back to his bed. Once there, he tossed the towel away and pulled her into his arms. With a simple press of a button, the lights flicked off. Only the lights from the London skyline lit the room.
    Electra laid next to him, her head resting on his chest and her eyes fought a losing battle to stay open. She didn"t want this night to end. She wanted to touch him, to feel him inside her one more time but she just couldn"t get her muscles to move any more.
    “Go to sleep,” he said softly, his hand rubbing her shoulder as he stared up at the ceiling. “We"ll talk in the morning.”
    Dharr waited until he felt her breathing become even before he examined his feelings. He hated sharing his bed with women which is the main reason he put them up in apartments. It allowed him to leave when he"d taken his pleasure. He"d never spent the night with any of the women he"d been with so why was this slender beauty tucked next to him and why did he know with an innate sense of himself that he had no intention of letting her go in the morning?
    He reviewed their entire conversations over the evening and earlier that afternoon, trying to find some point when he would have been forewarned of her

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