The Shadow Zone 2: Winning Madeline

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Book: The Shadow Zone 2: Winning Madeline by Isabella Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabella Jordan
Tags: Romance
it go. What if he came here, was able to take Maddox and his friends out? He would kill her too. If Maddox had told her the truth, Vincent had used her as bait to get the recruiter, whoever he was. If she had been expendable then, she certainly would be now. “She’s right, Maddox.”
    “I’ve thought of that. And I’m sorry.” Maddox was looking at Julia now. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you at risk.”
    Surprise lit up the woman’s eyes at that. The other man’s expression was one of surprise as well.
    Vincent was after Julia as well? How bad was Vincent then? And what did they mean by “the human recruiter?”
    “We have company,” Julia said and when Madeline dared another glance, she found the red-haired woman staring in her direction.
    Maddox caught sight of her next, his eyes calm and blue when they glanced up at her. And in the next second he vanished, reappearing at her side. Madeline had no time to scream as he pressed a cool finger to her lips.
    “It’s okay,” Maddox said in a calm voice. “Don’t be afraid. Come and meet my friends.”
    Meet his friends? Even as he took her arm with great care and began leading her in the direction of the stairs, her heart still fluttered in her chest.
    “How… how did you get here … so quickly?”
    Maddox smiled gently. “Sorry. I forget you… We can move quickly, my kind.”
    He walked slowly, matching his pace to hers.
    “Your heart is thundering. Are you okay?”
    “Yes,” she lied.
    She felt so small walking down the stairs with the elegant tall man at her side. Wearing just a thin blue robe made her feel vulnerable and she pulled it more tightly about her in response. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, the Spaniard rose from his chair and smiled at her. Like Maddox, he was beautiful. His black eyes showed her warmth and his smile was devastatingly handsome.
    He extended a hand to her, and like Maddox at times, his skin was unnaturally cool.
    “I am Rick. Welcome to my home, Madeline.”
    Warmth flooded her face at the way her hand shook. Rick seemed to sense her unease and placed his other hand over hers.
    “Don’t be afraid. No one will harm you here.”
    Turning, he held out an arm in the direction of the beautiful woman with red hair.
    “This is Julia.” The other woman’s green eyes widened when her gaze fell on Madeline. After a moment, she extended a hand and Madeline jerked in surprise at its warmth. Then she noticed the smell.
    “You’re Lycan?” Madeline asked, trying to keep her tone polite.
    The expression on Julia’s beautiful face turned defensive for a second and then eased as they let their hands drop.
    “Yes, I am.” Julia said simply. “Sounds like you’ve known a few.”
    “I have.”
    Julia almost smiled. “Don’t judge us all by that lot.”
    “I wouldn’t.” Madeline meant it. “I guess not all of us… are so great.”
    Julia’s expression seemed one of approval.
    “Was there something you needed?” Maddox’s eyes were clouded with concern.
    She swallowed hard. Then she decided to stick with the truth.
    “I was hoping to see Ivy and her father.” Her voice dropped off to a whisper. “Familiar faces, I guess.”
    “Of course,” Maddox said, looking almost relieved. “We’ll go see them right away. If you’ll excuse us…”
    Rick and Julia nodded as Maddox again took her by the arm and guided her in another direction.
    With each step she felt her anxiety ease. No one was angry that she’d been caught listening in on their conversation. No one minded her being here. His friend had welcomed her to his home and assured her that no harm would come to her. Even the woman who didn’t seem to like Maddox was kind to her.
    And if she saw that Gerald and Ivy were okay and just as Maddox said? Well, it was a step in the direction of establishing trust between Maddox and herself.
    Glancing up, she found him smiling at her. When was the last time someone had looked at her with… caring?

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