rest of the males in this place. And judging by the way Beale held himself, as if a twitch at the wrong time could end with someone being guttedor worsethe butler recognized the danger too. The difference between them was that Beale seemed to be offering something Sadi wanted, whereas he . . .
He dared give that cold, beautiful face a quick study before fixing his eyes on his plate.
In Dena Nehele, men had two ways to describe a man who had spent a vigorous night in bed: ridden hard or well used. A man who had been well used came to the breakfast table with a sated, lazy satisfaction. A man who had been ridden hard might have gotten some relief from the sex, but he was still edgy and looking for an excuse for a different kind of relief. And when a Warlord Prince went looking for that kind of relief, blood was spilledand too many friends and families ended up grieving for the dead.
Sadi pulled out a chair and sat down across from him. Within moments Beale poured a cup of coffee for the Prince and, without asking, fixed a plate of food for the man.
It will be ready in a few minutes, Beale said quietly.
Nodding, Sadi reached for the cup of black coffee.
Undercurrents. Any man who lived in Terreille learned to recognize them. Even someone who had spent his life in the rogue camps.
There was concernand understandingin Beales voice. The same concern Theran had heard in older mens voices when theyd tried to offer support to a younger man whod been twisted up by bedroom games. And there was a moment before Beale left the room when Theran thought the butler would actually lay a comforting hand on Sadis shoulder.
He recognized all the signs and knew what they meant, but who in the name of Hell would be brave enoughor foolish enoughto twist up a Black-Jeweled Warlord Prince?
Sadis wife.
That first exchange hed witnessed between Lady Angelline and Sadi had left no doubt that Daemons attention became focused exclusively on her whenever she entered a room. Hed figured it was because they were still in their first year of marriagea time when a mans thoughts didnt stray too far from the bed.
Now he wondered. Who was Jaenelle Angelline? Hed heard of Sadiwho hadnt heard stories about the Sadist?but the Princes wife, the adopted daughter of the former Warlord Prince of Dhemlan, was a Queen who didnt have a court and didnt rule anywhere that he could tell, not even the little village just down the road from the Hall. She wore a Jewel so peculiar hed never seen its like before. And everything about her outside of her life here at SaDiablo Hall was off-limits in terms of questions or conversation. Sadi had made that very clear when the three of them had dinner last night.
The other thing that was becoming clear was that no matter how they appeared for the servants and guests, no matter how Sadi was presented as the dominant power in Dhemlan, when the bedroom door closed at night, she had a Warlord Prince by the balls and wasnt afraid to squeeze.
Which brought him to the unpalatable conclusion that he was going to have to negotiate with Lady Angelline instead of Prince Sadi.
Then he looked up and realized those sleepy gold eyes were focused on him, had been focused on him all the time his thoughts had wanderedand he had the terrifying feeling that Sadi was analyzing him right down to the last drop of blood and the smallest sliver of bone.
A sudden chill hung over the table, along with an unspoken warning: Keep your hands, and your thoughts, away from my wife.
Thank the Darkness, Theran thought as Daemon turned his head to look at the butler standing in the doorway.
Beale nodded once.
Daemon pushed his chair back, hesitated a moment, then called in a sheet of paper and dropped it on the table.
Those are the terms for having a Kaeleer Queen go to Dena Nehele, Daemon said. You can look them over and give me your decision later.
Theran waited until
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