The Sexorcist

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Book: The Sexorcist by Vivi Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivi Andrews
Tags: Romance
exorcised a demon from her car yesterday afternoon.” He pulled a rosary out of his pocket and began absently thumbing the beads as they talked. “Now ask me how a demon got into her car. I’ve got twenty bucks that say Ms. Oh-So-Innocent summoned it to her very own fifty-thousand-dollar ride, just so I could pull it back out again.”
    Karma found that theory distinctly unlikely, but she gamely asked, “Why would she do that?”
    “So she could run into me—literally—flirt with me, and get ahead of the other bored socialites who are in on the bang-the-Mexican-exorcist wager.”
    “You think Brittany wants to sleep with you to win a bet?” Karma mentally ran through the brief time she had seen Brittany and Rodriguez together the previous day.
    Brittany had certainly seemed intrigued by the exorcist—she’d looked like she wanted to crawl all over him and breed a dozen little half-Mexican babies off him, actually—but Karma had a feeling the attraction had nothing to do with winning a wager. And her hunches in those matters tended to be reliable. One of her less-advertised skills was a sort of matchmaking radar, and it was definitely humming now. But if Rodriguez was reluctant…
    “If you fear for your virtue, I’ll ensure Brittany understands you are not to be a notch in her bedpost—I’ll even lie and tell her office dating is against company policy if you like—but you still have to speak with her. And if there is any possibility her demon was in fact a demon, I will need you to keep an eye on her. At least until the wedding.” Karma was beginning to have a very bad feeling about the wedding plans.
    He shoved the rosary back in his pocket. “Fine. I’ll talk to her. I’ll even watch her, if it comes to that. But that’s it. She’d better keep her damn hands to herself.”
    Karma smiled. Rodriguez took the smile as agreement. He didn’t know her well enough to see the “We’ll see about that” lurking around the corners of her lips.
    Rodriguez looked back and forth between his boss and the smiling brunette who was quickly becoming the bane of his existence. He’d been called in to consult on stranger cases in the past, but, Madre de Dios , how much crazy could a man be expected to swallow? “Shark teeth?”
    “And red eyes,” Brittany supplied cheerfully, bouncing on the edge of the chair where she perched. Karma had called her to join them in her office and it had been a nonstop train to the ridiculous ever since.
    “And you saw this,” he repeated for the third time, doubt lacing his tone.
    “I did.” Brittany didn’t seem to have caught on to the fact that he didn’t entirely believe her story. She gazed at him with absolute conviction pouring out of her big brown eyes.
    If eyes were the window to the soul, Brittany Hylton-VanDeere didn’t believe in drapes. Or shudders. Or blinds. Every thought was right there on display. Her soul was a goddamn exhibitionist.
    It was possible she had seen exactly what she thought she’d seen. Demons in corporeal form often had the physical anomalies she described. But the average person rarely saw them. And when they did, it was almost always described as a kind of mirage, like they’d caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of their eye, but once they looked at the demon straight on, they saw someone completely innocuous, though oddly unnerving.
    Human intuition often registered the peculiar other ness of demons, but for Brittany to have been chased through a market by a man with shark teeth and glowing red eyes? It stretched credibility a little far.
    It was much more likely Brittany had just made up the demon story to get him back here. He still hadn’t ruled out the possibility she’d summoned a demon to possess her car just to meet him. She probably played tennis with Katrina Sullivan.
    “A cultivator!”
    Brittany’s pale skin flushed pink as he and Karma both turned to stare at her.
    “The three-pronged-rake thingie.

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