The Seduction of Sara

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Book: The Seduction of Sara by Karen Hawkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Hawkins
    Nick broke in impatiently, “Henri, have you met the duchess’s niece?”
    â€œLady Carrington? But of course. She rides with us every day.”
    â€œDamn it, Henri!”
    Henri blinked. “What, have I done something wrong, mon ami ?”
    â€œNo, but I have an interest in Lady Carrington.”
    Comprehension lit Henri’s eyes. “Ah, the lovely Sara is your quarry. That is a pity.”
    â€œShe has only been a widow for a year and her husband was not faithful. I fear she did not accept it well.”
    So the intriguing Sara was a romantic. That was useful information, indeed. In Nick’s experience, women who yearned for the romantic often interpreted the simplest gestures as declarations, which made them all the easier to seduce.
    â€œMon Dieu!” Henri said with a disgusted look. “I know that expression. Do not even think it. From what Delphi has let slip, Lord and Lady Carrington had a love match at one time, but it turned sour.”
    â€œShe has been disappointed, then.”
    â€œ Oui , and Delphi has hinted that Sara had fallen into some impropriety because of it.” Henri frowned. “Nicholas, she is the type of woman one falls madly in love with, not the type for a dalliance. You know I am not one to interfere, but I have a feeling you should let her be.”
    â€œYou have a feeling?” Nick’s lip curled. “The next thing I know, you will be reading tea leaves.”
    â€œIf I could read tea leaves, I would be a very wealthy man. Unfortunately I have only my instinct, and it tells me Lady Carrington is not the woman for you.”
    â€œWhat does it tell you about the lovely Delphi?”
    Henri gave a reluctant smile. “Lady Langtry is different.”
    â€œHow fortunate for your conscience.” Nick stood. “Pray continue your association with the aunt. It could prove very beneficial to us both.”
    After the barest hesitation, Henri clutched at his heart. “Oh, the pain! To have to endure another half hour in the presence of such a beautiful lady. It cannot be borne.”
    â€œGo to hell, Henri.”
    â€œ Voyons , but you are irritable this morning.”
    â€œI have been attempting to get the servants more focused on their duties. Like the Hall, they have not had proper supervision in some time, and they are incapable of doing a decent day’s work.”
    â€œAh, that is because of Napoleon. You might think him safely ensconced on Elba, but he is alive and well in the sitting room at Hibberton Hall.” At Nick’s questioning gaze, Henri chuckled. “There is a damp spot on the wallpaper. Your estimable housekeeper, the devout Mrs. Kibble, decided it looked exactly like the silhouette of Napoleon from the Morning Post .”
    â€œDid she, indeed.”
    â€œ Oui . Half of the staff believes her, while the other half are steadfast that the stain looks more like Wellington. It has caused such dissension that the footman and the groom came to blows over the matter last night.”
    Nick shook his head. Of all the houses in England, he had to win one that possessed a staff worthy of a Shakespearean farce. “I gave Wiggs a powerful incentive to refocus everyone’s efforts on the eastwing. Perhaps some honest work will distract them from their search for Napoleon’s likeness.”
    â€œPerhaps. Me, I’d start anew.”
    â€œI don’t have the time to retrain an entire staff.” Nick looked down at one of Pratt’s endless lists. “I fear that Lord Parkington cheated me in giving me this house. I should have shot him in the privates.”
    Henri waved an airy hand. “But with a little paint, a little hammering…the Hall will be as good as new, no? A man should leave his mark on this world. Hibberton Hall will be yours.”
    â€œSo I hope,” Nick said. Though the cost would be high, most of the main work had

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