The Secret Crown (2010)

Read Online The Secret Crown (2010) by Chris Kuzneski - Free Book Online

Book: The Secret Crown (2010) by Chris Kuzneski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Kuzneski
Tags: Chris Kuzneski
    Jones looked at him, confused. ‘What’s wrong?’
    Payne raised his voice, which echoed through the chamber. ‘What’s wrong? I’ll tell you what’s wrong. Kaiser promised us treasure but brought us to a goddamned Nazi bunker.’
    Jones’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘He
    ‘Think about the dates and where we are. All this shit was looted in the war.’
    Jones glanced at Kaiser. ‘Please tell me he’s wrong.’
    Kaiser shrugged. ‘I hope he is, but I honestly don’t know.’
    Payne raised his voice even louder. ‘Oh, so that’s how you’re going to play it? You bring us to a Nazi bunker, filled with stolen artwork and who knows what else, and you’re going to pretend you’re not sure? Son of a bitch, Kaiser! What in the hell were you thinking? Did you
think we’d want to get involved with this shit?’
    Kaiser took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. ‘As a matter of fact, I did.’
    Payne laughed sarcastically. ‘Really? You honestly thought we’d want to get involved with Nazi loot? Why in the world would we do that?’
    ‘To save a good friend of yours.’
    ‘To save you from what?’ Payne growled.
    ‘Actually,’ Kaiser said, ‘I’m not the friend who needs to be saved.’


    The comment caught Payne completely off guard. For the past thirty seconds, he had been lecturing Kaiser about their involvement with a cache of stolen art in a Nazi bunker - only to discover that something else was going on. Something to do with one of Payne’s friends.
    Suddenly, their mission was a lot more urgent.
    ‘What do you mean?’ Payne said, trying to remain calm. ‘Who needs my help?’
    ‘A close friend of yours,’ Kaiser assured him.
    ‘Who?’ he repeated, this time a little louder.
    ‘Before we get to that—’
    ‘Now!’ Payne demanded, veins popping in his neck. ‘Tell me now, or I swear to God I’m going to—’
    ‘Jon!’ Jones shouted as he stepped in front of Payne. ‘You need to calm down.’
    ‘Excuse me?’ Payne barked, towering over his best friend.
    ‘You heard what I said. Calm the fuck
.’ Jones emphasized the word
by drawing it out for an extra beat. ‘We’re on the same side here. There’s no need for threats. Take a deep breath, and let Kaiser explain.’
    Payne followed his advice, trying to relax. Although he rarely lost his temper, it occasionally flared up whenever he felt lied to or deceived. Factor in a friend in danger, and his anger was easy to understand. ‘Who needs our help?’
    Not wanting to be the messenger, Kaiser swiftly moved towards one of the crates. He raised the lid that Jones had removed a few minutes earlier so they could inspect the underside. ‘See for yourself. Look at the lid.’
    In the dim light, it was tough to see the mark inscribed on the lid. It wasn’t until Jones stepped closer that he noticed a coat of arms on its underbelly, a symbol vaguely familiar to him. Branded into the wood several decades earlier, it depicted an eagle with sharp talons holding a sword in one foot and a scroll in the other. On its chest, the bird wore a striped shield emblazoned with a smaller symbol. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was the letter U.
    Suddenly, everything made sense to Jones: Kaiser’s deception, the half-truths, the total need for secrecy. In a flash, Jones knew whom they were there to save.
    ‘Son of a bitch,’ he mumbled under his breath.
    Payne heard the comment. ‘What’s wrong?’
    Jones tapped on the symbol. ‘Do you recognize that?’
    He shook his head. ‘No, should I?’
    Jones nodded. ‘It’s the Ulster family crest.’
    The name hit Payne like a sucker punch, temporarily leaving him stunned. ‘As in Petr Ulster? Are you sure?’
    ‘Yeah, Jon, I’m positive. I’ve seen it on one of his rings.’
    ‘The stolen art belongs to his family?’
    Off to the side, Kaiser nodded in confirmation. ‘As soon as I saw the symbol, I sealed the site and called you. I know how close

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