The Rising Sun: Episode 4

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Book: The Rising Sun: Episode 4 by J Hawk Read Free Book Online
Authors: J Hawk
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera
were still working properly after eight millennia. Then, a
wide smile broke over his red features, so that a deadly new energy
seemed to awaken upon them.
    “Free … at last.”
    All pairs of eyes were tightly latched over
the large well like hole in the earth. The large group of cloaked
men stood surrounding the giant tunnel drilled into the earth, all
of them tensely watching the tunnel’s entrance. Zardin and the
three others had disappeared into it almost an hour back. And
nothing at all had escaped from the tunnel since.
    Everyone standing around it, of the large
batch of Xeni, was mentally poring over the very same question:
what was going on inside of there? Some of them were beginning to
lose patience, letting boredom waver their hard resolves. Some of
them were beginning to wonder if this was all just a pointless
meandering that their leader had led them into. But a few of them
kept their composure and patience just as collected as ever,
waiting calmly.
    And then, it reached them. The sound of the
same hover car’s engine, slowly loudening as it reached them from
    A new excitement ran through the group of
cloaked men like a current. They backed away from the tunnel,
giving room. The hover car’s engine loudened to its very peak,
before it shot out of the tunnel. It soared a few metes into the
air before swinging over and sinking back to the ground. It settled
to a soft stop on the ground beside the tunnel.
    The batch of Xeni waited, all of them
mounting with anticipation. And then, as the doors swung open, they
saw Zardin and the three other Xeni emerge … but with another
    At the very first sight, the man invoked a
surge of terror which almost matched that which Zardin himself
awoke in some of their eyes. His bone like, skeletal structure was
almost terrifying, and the colour of his skin was a bright boiling
red. A mass of tangled hair hung on both sides of his face, a face
contained with a massive hidden prowess and fury like nothing. And
his eyes were bead like and crimson red.
    Redgarn stepped out of the hover car along
with Zardin and the other three. He slowly turned about, letting
his gaze carry across the large group of Xeni. His eyes sank right
into every one of the men he saw there, examining them in the split
second they paused on him. Then, feeling a smile spread over his
face, he turned to Zardin, who stood still beside him.
    “We have quite a good force, here.”
    “Better.” Zardin held his hand out to point
to the cruiser sitting a few hundred feet from them. “There is an
entire battalion of armed forces. And that would amount to almost a
tenth of a single planet’s army. All at our disposal.
Consider it your welcome gift.”
    Redgarn stared at the cruiser for a few
seconds, and then released an outburst of laughter. His hideous,
rasping voice echoed across the large expanse. The rest of the Xeni
stood just as still, watching the proceedings quietly.
    “An entire battalion of armed forces.”
Redgarn repeated softly, transfixed as he stood watching the
cruiser. “That … is truly magnificent. We are now placed at a
greater position of power than I would have dreamt…”
    The look of delight in his features faded,
and a mounting rage filled them now. “I have waited eight thousand
years. Suffered for eight thousand years. And now, it is time. At
long last. I don’t care how long I have to wait … or how hard I
have to work, but I will find the Nyon, and crush them once and for
all. They would be impossible to find as of now, but soon … I will
find them, and burn their entire temple to the ground and kill
every one of them.”
    “Something we would all love.” said Zardin.
“Incidentally, the Nyon are now in possession of our crystal. The
key to the dimension storing the forces of Mezmeron … the demon
army. The Nyon acquired the crystal, and are now in hold of
    Redgarn turned

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