reflects on motivation
Helweg, Ole: helps Jews escape from Denmark
Henia (a Jewish girl): saved
‘Henry, Ginette’: an assumed identity
Herben, Jantje: found a safe haven
Herbst, Sabina and Ziunia: saved
Herches (a Polish Jew): in hiding
Herczog, Dora (Dora Herczog Levi): recalls her family’s rescue
Herczog family: in hiding in Italy
Herensztat, Greta: her rescuer
Héritier, Henri and Emma: shelter Jewish children
Herman, Marek: hidden by Italians
Hermina (a Jewish girl): her successful bribe
Hershkowitz, Martin: escapes execution
Herzog, Henry: his rescuers
Hesse, Kurt and Erica: befriended
‘Hexa No. 2’: an act of kindness by
‘Hidden Children’: gather, xvi; and Father Bruno
Hiller, Moses and Helen: entrust their two-year-old child to a Catholic couple
Hiller, Shachne: in hiding; Photo
Hilvarenbeek (Holland): an escape route through
Hilversum (Holland): a rescuer in
Himmler, Heinrich: orders an arrest; seeks deportation of Finland’s Jews; protests at Italian ‘resistance to the Final Solution’
Hirschel, Hans: hidden; marries his rescuer
Hirschi, Agnes: given shelter; reflects on Carl Lutz’s motivation
Hirshaut, Julien: recalls ‘a decent Gentile’
Hirszfeld, Professor Ludwig: saved
Hitler, Adolf: his ‘inferno’ his repression; his Jewish policies challenged, by a German pastor; outwitted by Bulgaria; and the Jews of Denmark; ‘support’ for victims of, in Belgium; ‘comfort’ in the news of the assassination of; rebuffed by Hungary’s Admiral Horthy
Hitler’s Chancellery (Berlin): a protest forwarded to
Ho, Dr Feng Shan: helps Jews leave Vienna
Hobart (Tasmania): a rescuer emigrates to
Hodbomont (Belgium): Jews in hiding in
Hoffnung, Martha: warned, and finds safety
Holland: a survivor from, xix; round-ups in, xix; and the German invasion; a German pastor helps Jews escape to; a German woman helps Jews escape to, and is executed; two Righteous Germans in; acts of rescue in; dislike of German occupation in; a hiding place in, discovered, Photos
Holland, Paul: gives refuge, with his mother
Holländer, Lisa: a Christian rescuer, in Berlin
Holländer, Paul: a Jew, killed
Holy Cross Society (Budapest): the head of, rescues Jews
Homar family: shelter Jews
Home Army (Armia Krajowa): helps Jews; harms Jews
Home for the Blind (Hodbomont, Belgium): Jews in hiding in
Home of Leffe (Belgium): shelters Jews
Hoones Forest (Holland): a hiding place in
Horobacki, Milica: teaches English
Horobacki, Wladyslaw: gives sanctuary
Horodyszcze Hill labour camp (Eastern Galicia):
Horowitz, Helena: rescued
Horowitz, Isaac, Bala and Gabriel: given refuge
Horstmeyer, Rudolf and Felicia: protected by former pupils
Horthy, Admiral: twice rejects Hitler’s request; demands an end to deportations
Horvath, Kalman: his efforts to save Jews from deportation
Horvatinovic, Professor Branko: saved
Hoszcza (Poland): a Jewish family rescued in
Howil, Boguslaw: helps a Jewish friend
Hoxha, Nuro: hides Jews
Hryhorysztyn, Olena: ‘rich in spirit’
Hryniewicz, Sister Beata Bronislawa: helps two Jewish girls
Huellensen, Baroness von: a Jewish child hidden on her estate
Huffener family: rescuers, in Holland
Huguenots: descendants of, save Jews
humanist, a: also a rescuer
Hungarian diplomats: help Jews (in Rome):
Hungary: round-ups in, xix; Jews helped to escape to; a refugee from, in hiding in Italy; acts of rescue in
Huttenbach, Henry: writes about a Jewish couple in Worms, xix–xx
Hyrawka labour camp (Eastern Galicia): and a German rescuer
Ides family: Dutch rescuers
Ignalino (Vilna district): rescue in
Imam of Rhodes: saves Scroll of the Law
Independence Front (Belgium): appeals on behalf of Jews; helps Belgian Jews
Indig, Josef: a Jewish rescuer
industrialists (in Berlin): warn Jews
Infants’ House (Kaunas, Lithuania): Jewish children hidden in
Ingelscher, Paula: in hiding, Photo
Innsbruck (Austria): and the rescue of two Jewish women
Inquisition: rejected
Laura Dave
Mary Karr
Barry Graham
Edward Willett
Cindy Pon
Lila Felix
Debra Holland
Helen Nielsen
Olivia Ryan
Tara Crescent