Grigoriev, Pyotr: saves Jews
Grobelny, Julian: active in Council for Assistance to the Jews
Grodek Jagiellonski (Eastern Galicia): a Jewess in hiding in
Grodno (eastern Poland): Jews sent for safety to; Jews helped to make contact with
Grondowsky (a Jew): saved
Groningen (Holland): rescuers in
Gross Kiesow (Pomerania): an act of rescue in
Gross Rosen concentration camp (Silesia):; deportations to
Grossman, Haika: helped by a German
Grüber, Pastor Heinrich: his Righteous acts; arrested and imprisoned
Gruenberg, Miriam: rescued
Grunbaum, Irene: ‘your small country remained open, Albania’
Gruner, Peter: his brave stance
Grüninger, Captain Paul: helps Jews
Grunwald, Margherita: arrested, tortured, killed
Gruszka Zaporska (Poland): and a Righteous Pole
Grutsch, Adelheid: provides a ‘paradise’
Grutsch, Lambert: an Austrian rescuer
Grzybowski Place (Warsaw): and a Righteous priest
Gualtieri, General Carlo di: opposes French anti-Jewish measures
Gubbio (Italy): Jews given refuge in
Guelen, Andrée: a Belgian rescuer
Guicherd, Victor and Josephine: rescuers
Guillaume, Marthe: a rescuer
Gulbinovicz, Olga: ‘How could we possibly refuse them help…?’
Gumpel, Ruth: gives testimony about her rescuers
Gumz, Emma: a rescuer, in Berlin
Gunther, Rolf: deportation plans of, thwarted
Gurs concentration camp (Vichy France): and a Righteous German pastor; young survivors of, hidden and saved
Gusarov, Katia: narrates a story of rescue
Gustav VI Adolf (King of Sweden): protests against deportations
Guterman, Ben: helped by a German soldier
Gutgeld, Jacob, Shalom and David: given sanctuary
Gutin family: saved
Gutman, Yisrael: reflects on Polish rescuers in Warsaw
Guy, Marinette: smuggles Jewish children into Switzerland
Gylys, Father Jonas: tries to comfort Jews
Gypsies: and the rescue of a Jewish girl in Holland; and a gesture of sympathy in Hungary; a Jewish girl in hiding with, Photo
Gyula, Bishop Czapik: saves eight Jewish women
Haarlem (Holland): Righteous acts in
Hagstrom, Suzan: recounts a story of rescue and danger; and the murder of a ‘kind man’
Hague, The (Holland): rescuers from; Jews from, smuggled out of Holland; a brief respite in; a baby smuggled into
Haifa (Palestine Mandate): Wallenberg serves in
Haining, Jane: her crime, to weep
Halevy, Leah: in hiding in Assisi
‘Halina’: an assumed name
Halter, Roman: rescued, and the fate of one of his rescuers
‘Hambenne, Janine’: an assumed identity
Hamburg (Germany): a German officer from, helps Jews
Hammerstein, Marie Therese von: warns Jews, and helps Jews
Hammond, George: helps save a Jewish girl
Hansson, Per Albin: agrees to help Danish Jews
Hardaga, Mustafa: protects Jews
Harder, Albert (and his wife): hide three Jewish women
Harshav, Barbara: gives details of a rescuer
Hass, Eidikus: sent for safety
Hass, Izabela (‘Zula’): her survival and rescue
Hass, Rena: survives
Hasselt (Belgium): Jewish girls saved near
Hausner, Gideon: expresses appreciation for Norwegian rescue efforts
Haussman, Karl: hidden and saved
‘He who saves one life…’:
Heart of Jesus Convent (Skorzec, Poland): two Jewish girls given sanctuary in
Hebras, Pierre and Louise: shelter a Jewish family
Hebrew language: and gravestones; and a girl taken out of the Kovno Ghetto
Heemstede (Holland): a Jewish girl in hiding in
Heerlen (Holland): a Jewish girl given refuge in
Hegedus, Tibor: recalls acts of rescue, amid slaughter
Hegyeshalom (Hungary): a Death March to
Helfgott, Anita: given sanctuary; Photos
Helfgott, Ben: saved
Hellman, Arthur: found refuge; betrayed and executed
Hellman, Emelie and Heinrich: deported
Hellman, Peter: recounts the story of a French rescuer
Helman, Benjamin: given sanctuary
Helman, Gdula: hidden and saved
Helman, Gita: hidden and betrayed
Helmanowitsch, SS Private: and an act of kindness in Dachau
Helmrich, Donata: helps Jewish girls
Helmrich, Eberhard: a German rescuer;
Laura Dave
Mary Karr
Barry Graham
Edward Willett
Cindy Pon
Lila Felix
Debra Holland
Helen Nielsen
Olivia Ryan
Tara Crescent