complete the investigation before we take any action. I don’t want any direct observation unless the computer finds a key match. Then we’ll meet to listen together unless it involves immediate security of the Excalibur. Other than the security personnel, clear all personnel associated with Roger’s Time Project first.” Kevin nodded his understanding and David turned toward the others, “Roger, bring us up to speed on the acceleration.”
“We have a bit of time before approaching Warp one, but we should pass that milestone within the next month. We have encountered no problems so far and everyone seems to be adjusting to the slightly higher body weights associated with the acceleration forces. If we could get everyone to remain in the reclining position, we could double that process.”
“Well that’s impractical. Maybe you could increase it slightly. Warren can monitor any associated health problems. Warren, how’s your hibernation project coming along?”
“It’s going well; We have half of the non-essential personnel participating. I’ve got lots of volunteers hoping to make this project part of their medical education.”
Roger was humming excitedly as he scurried around with last minute checks on his test equipment. They were several months past Warp speed, approaching Warp 5 and no one reported any adverse effects. He had constructed two identical test devices which would, if all his computations were correct, be able to move forward a matter of hours into the future. David and the rest of the Executive Council were present to watch the grand experiment.
He pushed a button on his computer terminal, and they watched as one of the devices buzzed and began to shake. Roger explained, “It will vibrate for a few minutes and then it will probably glow brightly and then disappear. If it works as planned, it will be missing for approximately two hours.” The object began to glow slightly and vibrate more violently as it suddenly popped and crackled as acrid smoke poured from cracks in its side.
Roger shouted, “Take cover!” He grabbed Laura throwing her to the floor and covering her with his own body as others found shelter behind cabinets and other pieces of test equipment seconds before the device exploded with a blinding flash of light. Shrapnel flew in every direction destroying everything in the room in above the table level.
The automatic fire extinguishing system activated spraying the room in a chemical fire retardant and the room was cleared of smoke moments later by the air conditioning system. David reached for Laura asking, “Is everyone all right?” Laura was crying as he comforted her, but seemed to be okay.
Roger looked about the room shaking his head, “Sorry, David, we should have taken greater precautions. Not only did we destroy both models, we destroyed this part of the lab too. It could have gotten us all killed!”
Laura quit crying and David laughed as he looked at the destruction in the room. “Well, we certainly don’t do anything quietly. All we’ve lost is some valuable time and we certainly have lots of that. I think we learned a lesson today, and nobody ever accomplished anything of this magnitude without occasional failures. Let’s pick up the pieces and see if we can determine what went wrong.”
A few days later, Kevin called another council meeting making his report. “The computer is finished with its initial search and has found five more suspects. One is Glen Talbot, one of Roger’s people and that probably explains our little accident.” Kevin activated the Big Brother program and the computer again requested identification from the members present. Four of the five were caught in the act of incriminating themselves, once during a planning session in a remote area of the ship. The fifth was a false alarm, and was exonerated. Kevin went on, “Roger, I understand Glen Talbot has been working on the time model?”
“Yes, he was a key man
Cecy Robson
Hammond Innes
Ruth Rendell
Louis Kirby
Susanna Gregory
Gertrude Chandler Warner
Auburn Seal
Henry Miller
Tom Mangold