The Random Acts of Cupid (Christian Romance)

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Book: The Random Acts of Cupid (Christian Romance) by Amanda Tru Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Tru
diagnosed herself as being ‘infatuated,’ was almost Elise’s undoing. Macy’s biography of Jake, along with the squeal of joy and her own words, made it incredibly difficult to maintain a straight face.
    Elise cleared her throat. “Well, I think you’re ready. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. And remember: no tears this time.”
    Macy’s joy couldn’t be contained. She pirouetted in front of the mirror and did a little dance like she was a three-year-old girl wearing her first princess dress. “Wait a minute,” she said, coming to a complete stop. “Jake’s downstairs right now ? What if he doesn’t think I’m pretty? What if he doesn’t like me?”
    “He will like you. And you are beautiful,” Elise reassured. “Now, let’s go. You don’t want to keep him waiting.
    Elise urged Macy back downstairs before the girl could torture herself more with nervous second thoughts. Thankfully, Macy was so excited, she hadn’t even bothered to ask how Elise had managed to get Jake to take her to the dance. Elise knew it would make Macy feel more special if she didn’t know Jake was doing it as a favor to his cousin.
    Macy’s entrance was all the fairy tale a teenage girl could dream. She floated down the staircase to meet her handsome (or hot, as she’d put it) date. He looked up. They made eye contact. He smiled and held his hand out to assist her the last few steps.
    “I don’t know that we’ve met officially, Macy, but I’m Jake.”
    “Hi, Jake,” a bright-eyed, pink-cheeked Macy replied. “Thanks for taking me tonight.”
    “It’s my pleasure. I should be thanking you for going with me. With the way you look in that dress, I’m going to have some serious competition by the end of the night.”
    Macy beamed.
    Grandma was openly blubbering into an old-fashioned handkerchief. Camera at the ready, Elise snapped some pictures both of Macy alone and Macy and Jake together.
    Elise felt movement at her elbow and turned to find Ryan’s presence pulling her down to reality. She didn’t want to think about how he was interpreting this scenario. She just wanted to enjoy that she had made a girl and her mother happy even if for just a little while.
    But after a few moments of ignoring him, Elise realized she had to know what Ryan was thinking. He had waited downstairs the entire time she’d helped Macy. Now knowing the full extent of her plan and the results, did he still find it deceptive and unethical?
    She darted a glance up to find him already looking at her. Was she just imagining it, or did his gaze hold a trace of admiration and . . . respect? With a slight smile, Ryan slowly, deliberately bent down, moved Elise’s dark hair ever so slightly away from her ear, and whispered, “Good job, Cupid.”
    Elise’s heart immediately shot off in a hundred meter dash. She looked up at him, trying to find any trace of sarcasm. But before she could make a complete assessment, Macy and Jake were saying goodbye, eager to be on their way.
    With one last hug for her grandma, Macy was soon out the door. Suddenly, she paused on the steps, turned, and ran back to Elise, enfolding her in a quick, fierce hug. “Please tell my mom ‘thank you,’” she whispered.
    This time, Elise was the one struggling to hold in the tears as she watched Cinderella ride away in Jake’s little blue Toyota pickup truck.

Chapter 10
    Ryan spoke quietly. “What happens when Macy figures out you bribed your cousin to take her to the dance? Won’t she be hurt?”
    They were sitting in a booth at a diner. After gathering her supplies and leaving Macy’s house, Elise had driven here. Having not taken time for lunch, she was really hungry. But if Ryan was going to play twenty questions, she didn’t know if she would be able to eat.
    “I didn’t bribe Jake,” she explained. “Yes, he agreed to do it as a favor to me. But he’ll like Macy. I did my homework on her. She’s a nice girl who makes good grades. Though she and

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