The Pulse between Dimensions and the Desert

Read Online The Pulse between Dimensions and the Desert by Rios de la Luz - Free Book Online

Book: The Pulse between Dimensions and the Desert by Rios de la Luz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rios de la Luz
Tags: Magical Realism
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observant and could help Maribel figure out a solution other than running.
    “Here. Go find this woman. She might be able to help you. If not, you can just blend in as a pedestrian. What’s wrong with that?”
    There’s a loud bang on the door.
    “On the count of three, we are coming in!”
    Three large figures kick through the door and tear through the wall.
    “Maribel Esperanza Mercado: You are under arrest for trespassing into time portals without proper authorization and for participating in the programming of a time travel device for the consumption of the American public.”
    Spatula frees herself from underneath you and starts barking. One of the officers aims his weapon at her. He pushes the trigger button. You tense up and jump in front of Spatula. There is a hole going through your belly. All you can do is scream. You continue to scream in tears as you watch your blood make streams on your thighs and collect into the carpet. You keep your body in front of the dog.
    “Help her!”
    Maribel reaches for you and one of the officers grabs her by the hair.
    “Agent Mercado, please come with us. Our intent is not to hurt anyone.”
    “Help Esmai. Help her.”
    Maribel punches through the officer’s helmet and spits in his eye. She grabs a piece of helmet shard and digs it into the officer’s neck. The other two continue to watch Maribel and one of them scoffs.
    “It’s very simple. You are under arrest. Give us the device and come with us.”
    You tumble over. Your face is in the carpet. Spatula is nudging at your face. Should you whisper “I love you” to family members in hopes they will hear it as they place you underground? Can Great Grandma hear you right now? You feel guilty. Your mom will have no daughters left. Is this the pre-apocalypse on this version of earth? Has it all started with you? Maribel has handed over her bag. She’s crying. You hope she will live for centuries.
    “Esmai. I’m so sorry.”
    The officers watch as she places your potted plants around you. The succulents from great grandma. The cactus from your sister, Lucy. Tiny reminders of the desert that kept you connected to your family. Maribel caresses your face and holds you. Lucy gave you a cactus plant before you moved out of the house. It took her three hours to pick the right one. She picked a turquoise pot and decorated the edges of the pot with stick-on earrings she bought from the Dollar Store. The next day, she was gone. She was found in the middle of the desert. Your knees fell into cement after it was “officially” announced. You held onto the cactus and spines dug into your cheek. You prayed she walked out there in her sleep and that no one harmed her. Your mom came over and helped you pick the cactus spines out. She told you about the first time she realized how small she really was. We are specks in this mess. We are so miniscule, but we express ourselves with the magnitude of an entire galaxy. Maribel kisses your cheek and you can smell the essence of time travel escaping from her pores. She shuts your eyes.
    “Go to sleep, apocalyptic friend.”



    He walks up to me and asks me where I’m from. I ask him what he means. He says, you know what I mean. I tell him I was born in Los Angeles. He stands in front of me and asks where my parents are from. I say, my mom is from Mexico and my dad is from Guatemala. He tells me he knew I was an American woman because I speak English well. I tell him Spanish was my first language.
    “You know what I mean.”
    He starts to speak to me in Spanish with a heavy gringo accent. I can smell his breath and his sweat. He’s asking me if I know how to say ‘hammer’ in Spanish. What about ‘warlock?’ How do you say ‘witch’ in español? He looks me up and down and asks me for my phone number. I tell him to fuck off. He says he’s a nice guy. He has money. He appreciates the beauty in a brown woman. I tell him to fuck off.
    “I’m only complimenting you. You

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