The Pulptress Versus The Bone Queen: Blood and Bone

Read Online The Pulptress Versus The Bone Queen: Blood and Bone by Andrea Judy - Free Book Online

Book: The Pulptress Versus The Bone Queen: Blood and Bone by Andrea Judy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Judy
Tags: General Fiction
    "What are you doing!?" Jackson demanded.
    "Shhh." Aramis hissed.
    I pulled my pistol free from its holster and held it up. "I hear them," I murmured. "How many?"
    Aramis was silent before I heard him very quietly respond, "Six."
    I nodded, and pushed Jackson behind me. "Stay here," I told her.
    Aramis put the flashlight away and pulled the shovel from his back.
    "You're just going to leave me here?" Jackson whispered.
    "All of us rushing in is not going to lead to good things," I responded. "Now you stay here so we can find you again. Come on, Aramis."
    Aramis took a deep breath and I briefly wondered if he still had to breathe or not. Shaking my head from that distraction, I crept down the dark tunnel toward the shifting shadows that lurched and tumbled forward.
    I could hear them somewhat muttering under their breath, but nothing coherent. I tucked my pistol away; firing in tight quarters in total blackness wouldn't be a great idea. Pulling the knife from my holster, I let Aramis walk forward toward them.

Chapter 7
    A few grunts and then the solid thud of the shovelhead hitting something hard drifted back through the darkness. I waited a few moments until I felt something move past me and the scent of rot washed over me. I lurched the knife forwards into what I hoped was the juncture between the neck and chest and twisted.
    Dust exploded under my fingers, flying all around me.
    Another thud of the shovel sounded just to the left of me, and I ducked backwards, feeling the rush of air of the shovel swinging right by my head.
    "Watch it, Aramis!" I growled.
    "Behind you, Pulptress!" Jackson's voice called out and I ducked just in time to avoid something sharp piercing through my neck. It caught my hair, cutting through a few inches, but avoiding skin. I put my knife upwards into the groin of the creature behind me. It dropped to its knees and I grabbed for its head and twisted. Something snapped, then burst into dust.
    Catching my breath I glanced toward Jackson's voice, "Any more?" I asked.
    She paused before answering, "I don't see anything."
    I put the knife away and let out a deep breath as I got back to my feet, "You don't listen very well, Doc."
    "I don't do things that I know are bad ideas," Jackson countered. "And wandering off to fight things in the dark is not a good idea. So, how about my goggles and I take the lead from here on out?"
    I frowned. "Just wear the goggles and follow behind Aramis. Keep an eye on his chest and see what the temperature change looks like. We need to follow after that and find this gem as soon as possible. That’s priority right now."
    "And after that?" Jackson asked.
    "We find her and finish her once and for all," Aramis answered. "She will be looking for us. She has to know I'm here."
    "Right, the gems react when they get close together." I sighed. "So let's move."
    Aramis began back through the tunnel.
    "How's she going to know it's your gem and not the one already here setting her gem off?" Jackson asked.
    "The closer the three are, the stronger the sensation. Just being close to one other gem means some light but when the three get closer together, it's a heat," Aramis explained.
    Jackson nodded. "So, there's no way of knowing if we're heading straight toward her or toward the missing gem."
    I gripped the handle of my knife. "If we find her first, we'll deal with her and then find this thing and get rid of her for good."
    Jackson sighed. "This was a terrible idea," she groaned.
    "Too late to protest it now, you agreed, no, you insisted on coming."
    "I know!" Jackson replied, then paused. "Temp in your chest is rising by a few degrees, Aramis. We're getting closer."
    "I can tell. It's starting to burn," Aramis said. "Now, let's keep at it. Looks like it splits three ways up ahead again."
    I groaned. "Jackson? Which way looks best?"
    Jackson waited as Aramis walked a bit down every tunnel. "Right. The right made a huge jump in temperature almost immediately."
    "Well then, lead

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