The Promised One (The Turning Stone Chronicles)

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Book: The Promised One (The Turning Stone Chronicles) by C. D. Hersh Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. D. Hersh
spoken what she’d thought.
    Rhys grinned at her. “I know you.” He kissed her on top of the head.
    She was in deep trouble now.
    She watched his sexy backside disappear through the kitchen doorway. This complicated things. How was she going to get away for her meeting with Sylvia without him tagging along? And how was she going to resist the man if she was with him twenty-four-seven?

Chapter 9
    Shaw ran his hand over his chin one last time before ringing the bell to Lulu’s apartment. No beard. He hadn’t discovered what had made him change into Baron Jordan earlier. And he didn’t want a repeat performance in front of Lulu. Satisfied he had on his own face, he slicked his hair back and punched the doorbell.
    “Danny,” Lula squealed as she opened the door. She hugged him and dragged him into the apartment. “I missed you.”
    “Me, too, babe.” He slid his arm around her plump waist, but she forced him toward the kitchen before he could kiss her. Piles of wedding magazines lay on the table. Damn. She’s not going to let me fool around tonight. When Lulu was in wedding plan mode, nothing else happened.
    Lula moved two kitchen chairs together and motioned for Shaw to sit next to her. “Guess what I want us to do at our wedding?”
    “What?” How many jobs am I going to have to do now to pay for whatever this is?
    That’s unexpected. Dancing ranked right up there with the devil liquor, according to Lulu’s grandma. That Lulu considered going against Grandma’s wishes shocked the hell out of him.
    When he didn’t answer right away, Lulu shoved a Today’s Bride magazine at him. “Everyone’s dancing at their weddings. It’s so chic—”
    “What the hell does ‘shick’ mean?” All he could think of was the razor commercial. Lula punched his arm playfully. He cringed and tried to keep from flinching. It was sore from today’s Incredible Hulk experience.
    “It means sophisticated, you silly goose. We’ll dance our first dance as a married couple to our song.”
    Our first dance ever. Then the last two words registered . “We have a song?”
    Lulu giggled. “Not yet. We have to pick one.”
    “And what does Grandma say about this?”
    “She’s not speaking to me right now. She thinks dancing at my wedding is silly and vain . . . and sinful.”
    It is silly. But there was no way he would say that to Lulu. She’d been planning her wedding since she was a young girl, and she changed what she wanted as often as a mother changed a newborn.
    “You don’t think I’m silly, do you?”
    “No, babe. You should have whatever you want for your big day. If it makes you happy, it makes me happy.”
    Lulu put her arms around him and planted a big, wet kiss on his mouth. “I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”
    He tried to get hold of her again, but she wiggled away. “Not now. We got to talk.” Her voice sounded serious. “Now that you agreed to the wedding dance, we got a little problem.”
    Because I agreed, we got a problem? How the heck had it suddenly become his fault?
    “The church won’t allow us to dance in the fellowship hall, so we have to find another place for the reception, and another place is going—”
    “To cost more money.” Every conversation about the wedding cost him more money.
    “I thought maybe you could get another part-time job.” Lulu put on her sad, puppy-dog face. “You done so well with your new one, I hoped you might be able to. . .”
    He melted. When those big brown eyes focused on him he could never resist her. “Sure, babe. I guess I could ask for a few more hours.” Fence some more hot stuff. Mug a few more marks.
    He thought about his last take, the murder, and the magic ring. Shit! He had a gold mine right on his finger. If he could figure out how to control changing into Jordan, he could mug and rob without getting caught. After all, how do you pin a rap on a dead guy? It was the perfect solution.
    “Go ahead and book us a reception hall,

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