The Princess and her Alien Rogue: Alien Romance

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Book: The Princess and her Alien Rogue: Alien Romance by Harmony Raines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harmony Raines
Tags: General Fiction
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said, kissing his lips.
    “Oh, My Princess. You will want to pay me double.”
    “We shall see.”

Chapter Twelve – Johar
    He woke to the sun blazing through his window and a sense of disconnect. Where was he? Tallia.
    His body remembered her, his cock hardening under the sheets. Today she would marry him, and this would be the last morning he would wake up alone. Her body would be his, and he intended to make every use of it.
    Dragging himself out of bed, he dressed quickly. His pants were made of leather, soft-worn from all the days he had worn them during all the hours he had worked as he cruised the galaxy looking for trading opportunities. They did not seem to be the most appropriate clothes to marry a princess in, but then she probably didn’t care.
    He smiled. That was one thing he had found unexpected in her, she did not stand by protocol: if he turned up butt naked she probably wouldn’t mind. However, he realized he had to cover up his torso and his tattoos. So a clean shirt should be procured.
    Heading out of the room, he tried to remember the way to the kitchens. He had no desire to sit and eat with the Emissars, and so direct action was best. Kitchen, a plateful of food, and the sun on his face. That was the perfect start to any day, let alone his wedding day.
    The kitchen was alive with people rushing around and voices clamoring to be heard. So much so that hardly anyone took any notice when the seven-foot silver alien walked in. Only Yassa’s sister stopped to speak to him.
    “How was Yassa?” Mabel asked.
    “Well. Tallia gave her practically all of the food.”
    This made the cook smile. “Good. There is precious little food in those woods. They scavenge and gather what they can, and her man has tilled the earth to make a small kitchen garden, but the soil is not fertile. Unlike my sister’s womb.” With that she thrust a plateful of food at him and said, “Go. You are in the way. Such short notice for a wedding.”
    “We could just have a quiet ceremony; there is no need for all this.” He was sure Tallia wouldn’t mind.
    “The Emissars think otherwise. And I suppose your marriage to the Princess will change everything for them.” Her voice dropped low. “Which is why I am surprised they are celebrating.” She gave him a knowing look, her eyebrows raised, and then went back to kneading her dough.
    Johar went outside, and leaned against the wall as he ate the soft pastry he had been given, along with some fruit and nuts. It wasn’t exactly the hearty breakfast he would have preferred; given a choice he would have had some meat, hot and dripping with fat to give him the strength to get through the day.
    After finishing his food, he headed back inside for some water, or ale, that might make the day a lot easier to cope with. How the hell was he standing on an alien planet about to get married?
    “Master Johar.” It was Rian; she walked down the corridor towards him. “I am happy to have found you.”
    “Rian. How is Tallia this morning?”
    “Nervous, I believe, but excited too. I have seen a change in her I had never dared hope to see.” Rian smiled shyly at him. “She is happy.”
    “Good. I’m pleased,” Johar said. “Can I see her?”
    “No. It is bad luck.”
    Rian giggled. “But she does wish to speak to you. So you will come with me and I will take you to her. You will be on one side of the wooden panel screen; she will be on the other.”
    He didn’t ask why it was OK to speak to someone, but not see them on their wedding day, he simply followed Rian, more than happy to have something to occupy his mind. This was going to be a long day, since the ceremony was not until two o’clock in the afternoon.
    “Here,” Rian said, opening a door, but as soon as she did, they heard voices. He recognized the voice of his bride-to-be, the other was of one of the Emissars, the one called Aleck. Rian was about to back out of the room when he stopped her. Ducking down,

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