The Prince's Intimate Abduction (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 2)

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Book: The Prince's Intimate Abduction (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 2) by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
charmed by her bright smiles or in lust for her luscious body.  He’d thought he’d either been put in hell or heaven, depending on how he looked at the situation.  Having a woman like Raven so close and not able to touch her, but having her close and being able to talk to her, get to know her and experience her smiles…yep, hell and heaven. 
    Raven had no idea how long the ride was, but she buried her face in his warm neck, trusting him to get them to their destination safely.  When the motorcycle finally came to a stop, there was a yawning silence that startled her after the continuous noise. 
    The sun was just coming up over the horizon causing the air to warm quickly.  She breathed in fresh air but wasn’t sure if she should feel relief or…something else. 
    “Where are we?” she asked, looking up at a small house at the end of an interesting looking street. 
    She looked around, trying to figure out where they were.  It looked like some sort of compound but a tall man, who looked strikingly similar to Turk was walking towards them.  She shivered as she saw yet another behemoth right behind the first one.  “Uh oh,” she whispered. 
    Turk looked behind him and almost laughed.  “Definitely an uh oh,” he told her and picked her up from the seat, setting her down on the ground but not letting her move away from his side. 
    He’d meant to get Raven into the safe house and explain to her who he was before she discovered the truth herself.  Instinctively, he knew she wouldn’t be happy about his role in the world, but he couldn’t change that fact.  And yet, another part of him liked that aspect of her.  The women in his past had gone to ridiculous lengths to trick him into marriage but he suspected that convincing this woman to be in his life would be a huge challenge. 
    Watching the two men approach with irritating smirks on their almost identical faces, he almost groaned with frustration.  There was no way he’d be able to get Raven into the safe house now.  Not until introductions had been made.  Unfortunately, he hadn’t expected both of his brothers to be walking out to greet him but he should have expected it, knowing how protective his brothers could be.  Hell, he was surprised his little sisters weren’t also rushing out, throwing themselves into his arms to make sure he was okay, mothering him and demanding answers.  Furthermore, he’d forgotten to tell the soldiers guarding the house, as well his brothers, not to salute him until he’d explained…everything to Raven.  It was going to be hard enough for her to accept her future with him already.  Having it thrust upon her like this wasn’t going to be easy for her. 
    “I’m starting to wonder who was actually captured,” Ramzi said as he stepped closer. 
    Rais chuckled.  “Looks to me like someone was definitely captured.”
    Turk turned around, putting his arm around Raven protectively.  “Shut up,” he grumbled.  “And let me just say that your timing couldn’t be worse.  I would think both of you have more important things to do with your time that to hang out here, waiting for me.”
    Both of his brothers just chuckled with understanding but they didn’t back away and give him some privacy either.   Oh no, his brothers were too curious about the events of the past few days, not to mention the woman in his arms, to give him some time alone with Raven.  With an irritated sigh, he turned to look down at his soon-to-be-lover.  “Raven, these are my two brothers, Ramzi and Rais.  They’re both obnoxious idiots so ignore everything they say.”
    Raven looked around, noticed that the other soldiers were saluting the small group of men and she had no idea what was going on.  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Rais.  Ramzi,” she said, shaking both of their hands.  The two men seemed somewhat familiar to her but she couldn’t really place where she’d seen them prior to this moment.  Surely men of

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