The Power of Persuasion

Read Online The Power of Persuasion by Kate Pearce - Free Book Online

Book: The Power of Persuasion by Kate Pearce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Pearce
Tags: sci-fi shapeshifter
bed. Him on his back, and her on her side curled against him. Her hand rested on his chest and her right knee cradled his muscular thigh.
    “We can’t keep doing this.”
    “Dammit, woman I was enjoying the moment.” He groaned. “Can we just wait a few minutes before we have that discussion?”
    She kept talking. “Every time we have sex, our telepathic link gets stronger.”
    “I’m not the best person to judge that statement. My thought processes are entirely controlled by my dick at the moment.”
    “It’s wrong, Mac. I’m not supposed to feel anything for you except sexual relief.”
    “You’re not in your mating phase, so maybe this is different.”
    His tone was more serious now as if he too was considering what was happening more carefully.
    “I shouldn’t be attracted to you at all when I’m not in my mating cycle. You’re not even a Pavlovan .”
    “But I’m a telepath.” He sighed. “I can’t imagine not making love to a telepath now.” He flinched. “Ouch.”
    Her fingernails dug into his flesh. She didn’t want him thinking about any other female but her, let alone a telepathic one.
    “Which is why we have to stop,” Neeve said firmly.
    He came up over her and stared down into her face. She wanted to lick a path down his skin all the way to his cock and start again...
    “I’m not sure if I can do that.”
    She studied the set of his jaw and the resolution in his dark blue eyes. “Do you want to be in a Pavlovan triad?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Would you be willing to share me with another male, or another female on a permanent three-way basis?”
    “Three-way?” He made a face. “Are you suggesting we’d all be fucking each other even those of the same sex?”
    “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” She held his gaze. “All three members of the mating triad decide who gets to have sex with whom, and they don’t get jealous about sharing.”
    His expression hardened. “I don’t share.”
    “Which is why I’m telling you that we can’t keep doing this. I can’t imagine committing to just one person.”
    “Fuck.” He rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. “You’re right.” He sat up and managed to get off the bed. “This will have to stop.” He stooped to pick up his clothes giving Neeve a perfect view of his perfect ass. “Call Kaiden tomorrow and tell him you need someone else and that you don’t want me.”
    She bit down hard on his lip as he methodically put on his clothing. She daren’t reach out for his mind, which she suspected was as battered and defenseless as her own.
    He turned back at the door, his expression grim. “I’m sorry.”
    “For what?” Better to use words than thoughts, better to protect themselves.
    “For not being the man that you want.”
    “I want you.”
    “And I can’t exist in a threesome.”
    “I understand. It’s outside your culture’s idea of the norm.” She gathered the sheets around her and nodded, giving him permission to walk away. “Good night, Captain McNeil.”
    He briefly closed his eyes and then left leaving her staring at the closed door. What happened if you met your mate who wasn’t even Pavlovan, and they turned you down? She had no idea. It never happened. Maybe her mother would know what to do, but the last person she wanted to confide in at the moment was her mother. She’d never countenance Neeve’s infatuation with a human…
    She curled up into a ball and closed her eyes. After Malke died she’d thought she’d never smile again, let alone have sex, and now she’d done both. Dammit, why did emotional stuff have to be so hard? Believing Malke could love her for herself and not for her family connections had been difficult enough. But he’d proved it by being willing to walk away from Pavlovan and follow her to Earth. She’d always wanted to be free of her family and against all the odds she’d managed it. It was ironic that she’d now met a male

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