The Power of Fate (The Triad Series Book 5)

Read Online The Power of Fate (The Triad Series Book 5) by Kate Pearce - Free Book Online

Book: The Power of Fate (The Triad Series Book 5) by Kate Pearce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Pearce
Tags: sci fi romance
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of adrenalin spiked in Orin’s mind as one of the two threw something that shattered the window of the restaurant, spreading smoke and confusion. He blinked against the sudden flare and flung up his hand.
    “ Mya?”
    Someone started screaming and tourists ran from the smoke. Orin ripped off his jacket and went forward automatically, transmitting what was happening to the local police corps. They might not be there yet—but he was.
    “Get down!”
    Mya grabbed hold of Rekk and shoved him as hard as she could to the floor as something smashed through the glass and went off with a roar and a blinding flash.
    Rekk rolled with her, covering her body with his own.
    “Keep down and head toward the rear entrance. It’s just to our left. Expect someone to be waiting for us outside .”
    Mya found her weapon, and, using a secure telepathic channel to the other security guards, relayed their position and her plan. There was no answer, which wasn’t encouraging.
    She went ahead of Rekk, crawling on hands and knees through the choking smoke. At the last moment, she ignored the back entrance and veered left through the tiny kitchen. The small staff had already bolted and something was scorching on the stove. She reached up to turn off the burner as she passed. There was no need to destroy the place completely.
    A flare of aggression shot through her senses, and she paused to consider their options. It was highly likely someone was watching the kitchen exit as well. She tapped Rekk’s arm and motioned toward the trap door set in the floor. He nodded and opened it easily, revealing a line of stone steps and some basic lighting.
    She went past him, scanning for Etruscan signals as she went down the steps into the cellar. The space contained several refrigeration units and shelving for produce. There was also, thank the Gods, an exit.
    The thud of the door closing over their heads deadened the alarms sounding from above as Rekk came down the steps to join her.
    “Are you okay?” She touched his shoulder, where a bruise was already darkening the flesh under the ripped sleeve of his T-shirt.
    “I am well.” He touched her forehead with one finger. “You, however, are bleeding.”
    She tried to shrug it off. “It doesn’t hurt.”
    “But we should tend to the wound.”
    “There’s a medical kit on the shelf over there. It’s the box with the yellow cross on it.” She slowly exhaled. “But we don’t have time. We need to get out of here.”
    “With you all bloodied? Surely that will draw the wrong kind of attention onto us? The immediate threat has passed; can you not feel it?” He retrieved the medical supplies. “When you are cleaned up, we can borrow a couple of the restaurant T-shirts and exit when we are ready.”
    His calm manner was both reassuring and surprising. She cupped his chin, where a fine fuzz of beard was forming, and rubbed the pad of her thumb against the bristles.
    His breath hitched and he lowered his mouth to hers in a brief kiss. “Yes. Now let me attend to your face, and we can be on our way.”
    Orin surveyed the destroyed front of the restaurant. The sirens were still shrieking, and there was glass everywhere that glinted in the lights of the approaching emergency vehicles. He tried to control his breathing. If Mya had been in there, she had either died or gotten away because he was getting no sense of her now.
    Gods, she couldn’t be dead. He’d know—wouldn’t he?
    A shadow fell over him and he turned around only to have a weapon jammed against his throat.
    “You are under arrest.”
    “I’m a frakking cop. I called this in.”
    The male officer didn’t bother to reply as he restrained Orin’s wrists behind him. He knew better than to struggle, as the plastic would only tighten up.
    “Come on, sir.”
    With one last searing glance at the destroyed restaurant, Orin allowed himself to be taken away. Once he sorted things out with the local police force, he’d gain access

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