The Philanthropist's Danse
York to represent you, following your arrest. Mr. Bird showed me evidence that compromised the legitimacy of your arrest, and I saw to it that the case against you was dismissed. I can hardly believe your father considered my intervention on your behalf deserved a great reward, yet who am I to argue?”
    He was pleased with his response, it sounded reasonable. Bird would not contradict his story so all he needed to do was remain plausible. Philip stared at the Judge with hostile eyes, but he had no desire for the group to know the details of his crime, so he let it drop.
    Junior did not share his brother’s concern and jabbed a finger at the Judge as he interrupted. “What was my idiot brother charged with, Judge?”
    “That information is privileged, I’m afraid. I can’t comment. You’ll need to ask your brother.”
    Junior glared coldly at the Judge but turned to his youngest sibling. “Well, Phil, what did you do?” Philip decided to simplify the story. “I crashed the 911, bro. No biggie.”
    Junior looked at the Judge and then back at Philip as his face registered incredulity. “So this Judge gets to steal our inheritance because you totaled your Porsche? Jesus, Phil!” Junior threw his head back in disgust. “The Old Man lost it, I knew it. I always knew he couldn’t tell up from down when it came to you Phil. You’re an idle fucking loser, but he forgave you everything. Well, little brother, if this fucking hick town Judge gets any of our money it’s coming out of your share.”
    Freeman wanted to snap Junior’s neck, but he remained still and pushed his trembling hands against the table top to stop them from shaking. Philip smiled at his older brother and casually lifted his hand in a fist before popping up his middle finger. “Yeah? Fuck you Junior, I don’t think it works that way, right Billy?”
    The lawyer regretted the brothers were already making things difficult. “All monies will be paid from Mr. Thurwell’s fortune. The best you could do to Philip is to reduce his share. You can’t insist he pays anyone else’s.” Philip gave Junior a victorious glance and Junior returned the look with one of pure malice. Before he could erupt again, Larry MacLean interrupted. “I’m not buying it Judge, I don’t believe you’ve told us everything, not at all, and I want to hear more about it. But for now, let’s finish our introductions before this family feud gets out of control.”
    MacLean nodded at the French girl, the last of them to make her introduction. The irony of using her to defuse tension would not be lost on him a few minutes later. Camille admired how Larry had naturally taken charge, and thought he was attractive, for an older man. She offered him a sly smile that made him look twice.
    She saw everyone waiting expectantly and paused dramatically and reached for her cigarettes. “Certainment.” She lit her cigarette and waved a hand in front of her face to dispel the first bloom of smoke. “My name is Camille Jolivet. I was born in Paris and came to America three years ago to meet my father for the first time.”
    She paused and saw Bethany’s posture stiffen. “Monsieur Thurwell was mon pere, my father. I did not know this until three years ago, but there is no doubt. I am his daughter, his famille.” She leaned back and pulled luxuriously on her cigarette as she watched MacLean, who turned ashen.
    “That’s not true, you’re a liar. William, stop this woman, I won’t have my father’s reputation attacked by every whore in the room.” Bethany gave Bird a pleading look mixed with fear. William took a deep breath and smelled the pungent cigarette as its smoke wafted over him.
    He tried to hold Bethany’s pleading gaze as he broke her heart for the second time in as many days. “I’m afraid it’s true, Beth. Camille Jolivet is your father’s daughter, your half-sister. We have DNA confirmation and your father admitted to an affair with Camille’s mother. He didn’t

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