The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family)

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Book: The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family) by Beverly Preston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Preston
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pants, she slipped her hand into his boxers, fondling the substantial length and below. Tracy pushed back his foreskin and encircled her hand around the broad head, drawing out a guttural groan from his throat as she stroked his hard silken skin.
    A wild feeling of liberation pumped through her veins. No man had ever felt this good in her hands. But she didn’t want him in her hand. Giovanni cinched his hand around her wrist, halting her movements. The powerful pressure of his fingers startled her. His breathing came in rough puffs of air. He shook his head. “No.”
    Tracy started to go down on him. “S’okay. I want to,” she whispered.
    H e gripped her arms. “No.”
    A cold ache caught in her chest, each breath more painful than the last. She released him, taking two steps back. Out of all the scenarios she’d thought imaginable, this was not one of them. With nowhere to hide, Tracy stood rejected, holding her stomach and awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck. Shame and remorse trampled through her heart.
    Her chin crumpled and she turned away, preventing him from seeing humiliation pooling in her eyes.
    “ No, I don’t mean no—“
    He tried to ease her against his chest, but what remained left of her pride refused to budge. Giovanni cradled her face forcing her to look at him. He tilted her chin toward the moon, exposing her bolstering embarrassment. Tears leaked from her lashes, gathering beneath the mask.
    “ Merda, please no, do not cry. Of course yes—“ He cupped her hand, urging it to his cock. Compassion riddled his voice, wanting her to understand. “I can-not do this here, not now. You are—“
    His breath hissed as she stroked down the hard sprung length.
    “I am what?” She asked in an intimate whisper.
    “You are…umm…easy.”
    Revulsion curled in her stomach. Tracy gave up all pretense of being calm. Nearly blinded by her rage, she yanked her hand away, shoving it hard against his shoulder. “I am not easy! Just because I’m ridiculously attracted to you doesn’t mean I’m like this with everyone! I’ve never done anything like this! I haven’t even been on a date in over a year or—”
    He raised his hands as a peace offering, but she was too far gone to notice.
    “ —I can’t even remember the last time I had sex. Actually, I do remember, but I’d prefer to forget. Regardless it’s been two years.” Her mouth snapped shut. She grabbed her shoes and began to flee.
    Giovanni clasped his fingers around her wrist before she could crawl over the wall. “The wine, Amore Mio…you are not used to drinking. How do you say it? You are easy…a light weight? Yes?”
    “No.” she protested. “Maybe, yes. I don’t drink very much.”
    “Si`, you are tipsy. You haven’t eaten. I couldn’t, it would not be right of me.”
    “But, you don’t understand, Giovanni. I never want to. I mean…not that I don’t want to, I just never find the right man.” Tracy twisted, her face averted. She wondered why she found sex much easier to talk about in the comfort of a lecture hall in college.
    “I am the right man?”
    She nodded. Daring to glimpse, his sexy smile broadened making her go weak at the knees.
    He backed her up against the wall, anchoring her to his hard muscles. Giovanni hovered over her, touching her, disarming her with gentle caresses. His mouth roamed to the hollow behind her ear. “I want to take you to my bed. I want to make love to you all night long and never let you leave. Amore Mio, the sounds you make…I want to hear you cry out for me.” His breathing turned coarse, growling against her skin as he bit her shoulder affectionately. “Let’s get something to eat, some water, see how you feel? Yes?”
    The feel of his teeth sinking into her skin felt better than anything in the entire world. She grasped his nape, tugging him lower to her mouth. Tracy dragged her mouth up his throat nipping and biting his neck, wanting to give him the same pleasure. “Si`.

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