The Perfect Duke

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Book: The Perfect Duke by Dawn Ireland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Ireland
dropped below the horizon, deepening the twilight. What would this place be like at night?
    She hurried after him, then stopped. Nestled amongst the greenery stood a table littered with instruments and charts. The clutter reminded her of her father’s desk at home. She ran her finger over the odd markings on what she assumed was a map of some kind.
    Garret finished tinkering with a smooth tube that stood on a tripod, then raised his head, a scorching desire in his eyes making her stomach flutter. “You’ll need to come closer.”
    Cara inched as close as she dared, then reached out to touch the cool metal. “I’ve never seen anything like this. What’s it for?”
    “I use it to magnify objects in the night sky.” He picked up one of the vellum sheets and studied it, then swiveled the metal tube and made some adjustments. “This instrument is called a telescope. It allows you to see the heavens in a different way. For instance, Venus should be visible on the horizon. Would you like to see?” At her nod, he took her elbow and guided her until she stood behind the instrument. “Place one eye behind this piece and close the other.”
    She bent slightly and peered through the glass. “There's a fuzzy light. Is that what I’m supposed to see?”
    “No.” He moved behind her. “Let me.” She leaned to the side and he took over. Her hip pressed against him and his warmth seeped into her, a reminder that he was truly flesh and blood, not “The Marble Duke” others had dubbed him.
    He fiddled with something on the instrument. “Ah, there it is.” When he stepped back to allow her access, she felt bereft. A part of her wanted him to touch her again. It was a dangerous desire, so she gazed through the telescope, attempting to concentrate on the image.
    A globe, Venus, hung in the semi-darkness of the faintly pinkened sky. It was just as she’d imagined a fairy light might be, twinkling with magic and joy. “It’s beautiful.” She whispered the words. How she’d like to reach out and capture it in her hand.
    The duke edged closer to her back, and she sensed that he stood inches from her. “Did you know that the Latin word for Venus is Lucifer? It means ‘light-bringing.’”. His voice became smooth darkness, surrounding her. “Poor Venus starts out as the morning star and falls from grace to become the evening star at this time of year. Have you ever thought about the phrase ‘falls from grace?’ It implies that someone has set standards and imposes those rules to live by on others.” His breath disturbed the curls at the nap of her neck, causing her skin to tingle. “The question is, are they right to gauge another person by their rules?”
    Guilt edged his voice and she turned to peer up into his face, but it was obscured by shadows. “I believe each man should set his own standards about how he lives, based on what’s in his heart. It’s wrong to judge another. No one can know everything about someone else, so how can you make an assessment?”
    He brushed his fingers against her cheek. “You make is sound so simple.”
    She suddenly felt sorry for him. He reminded her of a prince who had locked himself away in a glass tower. Only a shell of the duke walked the halls of Belcraven.
    She’d been taught that it was her responsibility to aid those who couldn’t help themselves. But could she set him free?
    The duke’s hand trailed from her cheek to her neck. He used his thumb to caress the area below her ear, sending shivers of anticipation through her body. The wonder of the moment robbed her of resistance. With his other arm, he drew her against his solid length and rested his hand in the hollow of her back, pressing them closer.
    She shouldn’t be doing this, but then the warmth of his breath bathed her face and his lips claimed hers. He tasted of brandy and honey as he coaxed her mouth open. His exploration left her feeling disconnected from her body, and yet yearning for more.
    She’d never

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