The Obscurati

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Book: The Obscurati by Wynn Wagner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wynn Wagner
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of some concentration camp victims. The best news for these hatemongers dressed in religious garb is that I won’t be the one at the pearly gates on Judgment Day. They will be judged by the righteous judge, and their only hope is that their status is not weighed by their merits or augmented by the amount of human suffering that they caused.
    Show me the ledgers of these cretins and bullies, and let me go to town on them.
    Those website authors aren’t religious. They’re modern day hatemongers in the finest Nazi tradition, only they brandish a crucifix instead of a swastika. Jesus of Nazareth would be ashamed that such people terrorize and belittle people while claiming to support the Christian cause. The founder of Christianity would run in horror at the kinds of things these uppity, over-educated Pharisees send out as God’s law and teaching. They know as much about Christianity as Lady Gaga knows about heart transplant surgery. And Lady Gaga has the sense not to order desperately ill patients to the Gaga Heart Clinic with threats of eternal damnation on anyone with heart disease who opts for a different tack.
    And there’s the Roman Catholic pope who was a member of the Hitler Youth. The guy was a little Nazi, but he said all the kids were members. Bull-fucking-shit: they weren’t, and he knows it. I was there. I know that pope is lying through his teeth, but he does so with a sweet smile and a crucifix.
    “ T URN the other cheek, Mårten.”
    “Fuck the other check, Father Johannes.”
    “Righteous indignation isn’t healthy,” he said.
    “Fuck that too, whatever it is.”
    “Lord Jesus, save Mårten from Thy followers. And save them from him.”
    “Thank you, Father Johannes.”
    “Take two Hail Marys and see me in the morning,” he said, and he was off in a poof as usual.
    A COUPLE of our human guests knew about pottery. Menz worked with them to start an assembly line. They made pipe segments that the humans ran out to the river. It was a gravity-fed aqueduct that brought more water to the house than we could possibly use. They tried to engineer a private sewer system, but it never worked properly. The humans used cans and bottles to store their piss and shit, and they had teams to dump everything at night.
    I always felt so bad that we couldn’t save everyone. The entire country went insane. I think it was like the American south during the 1960s. You had governors and state troops blocking entrances to white-only colleges against people of color wanting a college education. Bubba didn’t think twice about attending a college, but it was a major Big Deal for a young nonwhite person to think those same thoughts. Neither asked to be born where they were or to the parent they were born to. Neither did anything to make them better or worse (in most cases). It was just the will of the people, supported by the local law.
    I remember one of our blood donors talking about how dangerous Alabama and Mississippi had become in the 1960s. Even if your skin was white, you didn’t want to be driving through those states on a federal highway if you had long hair. You could be a white supremacist who hated everyone who wasn’t white, but your life was in serious danger if the law in Alabama and Mississippi didn’t like your haircut.
    It wasn’t just the Nazi government that could brainwash a country. Any government can do it. Any population can rise up and go insane. Christian groups can forget all the teachings of their founder.
    D URING that war, Nazi soldiers came to the house twice. The first group looked around and left. They were the smarter of the two bands of soldiers.
    The second group found our secret hiding place and demanded that we bring all our people out from the basement. Let’s just say that the five vampires living in the mansion got plenty of blood that night. We grabbed the Nazi soldiers and flew them out away from the house so our humans wouldn’t have to watch what we

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