The Novida Code

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Book: The Novida Code by JN David Read Free Book Online
Authors: JN David
    The sole purpose of my helping with the preparations for the party was that table and the plastex lying on top of it. But every time I got close enough to nick a piece, a soldier or earthling passed close by, and I didn't dare.
    This time I was lucky; there was nobody around. Quickly, I grabbed a laser knife, cut out a circle of plastex and slipped it under my uniform. I left the rest of the strip, as everyone would suppose that the circle had been used to stick some decoration somewhere.
    I 'd barely finished when I suddenly felt violently ill. I bent over double and the soldiers who were helping me put up the decorations rushed to my aid. They wanted to take me to the infirmary, but I assured them it was nothing serious and that I just needed to lie down for a while in my room and it would pass. Clarisse came up to me: “Would you like me to accompany you?” she asked.
    She had become particularly friendly with me after word had got around that I was the mistress of an Efeghi. I smiled at her and replied: “Thanks, that would help a lot.”
    She took me gently by the arm and led me out of the room. As soon as we were out of sight of the soldiers, her friendly expression disappeared, but she nevertheless accompanied me to my room. At the door, she turned toward me: “Do you want me to help you to your bed?” she asked.
    She appeared to be burning with curiosity and I guessed she was dying to see if there were any presents from Olden in my room.
    I refused politely and went in alone. I was staggering a bit but managed to reach my bed and lie down. Shortly afterwards, I was overcome with nausea and rushed to the basin, retching.
    Bending over the sink, I surreptitiously removed the piece of plastex and stuck it far enough down the drain for it to remain hidden. I then stood up, freshened up a little and allowed myself to feel better. I lay back down on the bed to rest while awaiting the arrival of my lover.
    He had got into the habit of coming to see me at the end of the afternoon, as comings and goings between the authorized and the unauthorized zones were discouraged at night. An hour after I returned from the function room, there was a knock at the door. It was him. On catching sight of me, he beamed.
    “ Hello Auxana,” he said in his soft voice.
    “ Hello Olden.” I got up and went to him, grinning broadly. He took me in his arms and kissed me. I responded with more than the usual passion and he stopped to give me look of surprise.
    I gave him a come-hither smile and pulled him against the wall between my desk and the sink. There, I kissed him passionately. My hands caressed his torso, moving softly down his arms. I stopped at his wrist as I touched his bracelet, and pulled away to ask: “What's this?”
    “ A bracelet”, he smiled.
    “ It's lovely,” I said. I took it off his wrist, gently feeling its contours. “May I have one like this?”
    “ You want a present?” he asked with a smile that made me want to hit him. Instead of which, I pouted and turned away, replying sulkily: “A woman doesn't ask for a present; it's up to the man to guess what she wants.”
    He smiled and retrieved the bracelet, but before he could put it back on, I kissed him again and allowed my hands to explore his body with more abandon. He uttered a little cry of surprise when I murmured as I began to unfasten his uniform: “We could try here…”
    I opened out his tunic and kissed him whilst caressing his naked skin. He tried to respond, but his bracelet was getting in his way and he had to put it down on the edge of the sink. With his hands free, he unfastened the top of my uniform and – while he was at it – unhitched the fastening of my bra.
    I disposed of both, pulled off his tunic, and set about removing his trousers. He laughed to see me so transported with passion and he ripped off my trousers and knickers with equal ardour. Naked at last, he slid his hand between my legs. I tilted my head back and

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