The Newborn Vampire

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Book: The Newborn Vampire by Evenly Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evenly Evans
only taking what was needed.
    They had powers for a reason, powers that the humans stood no chance against beating so why should they hide away. Did humans hide away from their food source in shame every time they killed a sheep or a chicken? No they did not. Samuel had founded the idea of a new community prepared to take over and show the humans their place and Joseph was certain that he wanted to be a part of it.   Samuel wanted this community to be strong and large and he wanted it to be his. This would mean having his daughter in it and Joseph was prepared to help get her if it meant he had a place in the hierarchy of this new community.
      Plans had to be put in place now to get Catherine back. He could not possibly take her on his own on account of Tobias constantly being at her side, so Joseph decided the best thing to do would be to send a message to Samuel informing him of the circus’s current location then together they could work out how to take Catherine unwittingly from Tobias and Mathias.
      Joseph fetched some paper and decided he would write a note in case his calls were overheard or intercepted.
    Head for the mountains north of you current abode. Here you will find what you are looking for.
    I am also greatly pleased to inform you of other news. She is with child. I await your instruction and assistance.
    Joseph folded the paper up and smiled at his good fortune. Soon he was to become a vampire of substance. One to be looked up to and have the power he always wanted.

Chapter 9
    Mary sat on the train urging it to go faster and faster. She shouted at herself in annoyance that she had not found a way to contact the circus. They should have put arrangements in hand whereby she could call if need be in case of an emergency. Now she was sat there, useless, whilst her precious granddaughter was at great harm. Mary had to get to the circus before Samuel to warn them that he wanted Catherine and they must hide and protect her from him before he caused her great harm. She had no idea how she would achieve this, but she knew that only over her dead body would Samuel take Catherine. Mary was always left with a huge sense of guilt since her own daughter’s passing and felt a failure that she could not do more to protect her, so felt determined that nature would not repeat itself and certainly not by the same man.
    Samuel dropped the young girl to the floor, lifeless and empty of blood. He wiped the excess from his lips, and dropped back his head to inhale deeply.
      “Nothing like the replenishment of young blood” he thought to himself, savouring the moment.
      He had big plans ahead and needed all the strength he could muster. He had left his community in the hands of a trusted acquaintance and was determine to return with a new member – his daughter who he wanted to train to work alongside him in accordance to his ideologies. Samuel never liked the way the circus worked, killing one virgin from every town they went to, half starving themselves in the process.
      Samuel wanted more. He wanted his community well-fed and strong. The humans were weak and he felt they should be scared of him and hide, not the other way around. He would reveal his powers and show them who was boss and it would be they who would cower from him. He would reign over them and they would bow down to him. It was time the vampires took over and stopped hiding. Survival of the fittest and he considered himself to certainly be that. Samuel wanted vampires to rule the world and he would be the leader. He was proud of who he was and no longer wanted to hide from the humans.
      “Weaklings!” he shouted as he kicked the corpse that lay in front of him and began to make his way back to his lodgings.
      Samuel was careless and did not bother to hide the body. He felt no need to be scared anymore as he had no intention of hiding from

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