The New Moon with the Old

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Book: The New Moon with the Old by Dodie Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dodie Smith
    He turned to thank Cook and Edith, Drew having told him of their plans. Cook said it was the least they could do – looking, Jane thought, a trifle smug. Then both maids bustled off to get him some supper.
    â€˜I want to wash now; we’ll talk some more afterwards,’ he said to Clare, exchanging a quick glance with her.
    Jane guessed that something private would be disclosed later.
    â€˜Let’s decide what you’re going to wear when you see Weary Willy tomorrow,’ said Merry, putting her arm through Jane’s and steering her upstairs. ‘Your tweeds, of course, and one of your lovely cashmere sweaters. And may I see your best gloves?’
    â€˜And then go to bed, Merry, darling,’ Clare called after them. ‘It’s nearly eleven.’
    Merry approved of Jane’s gloves. ‘Perhaps they’re a mite long for tweeds but not if you wear them all wrinkled and nonchalant. I bet you’ll see Weary Willy eyeing them. Now, shoes …’
    Eventually Jane’s entire outfit was decided on; then Merry went to bed. Jane intended to go downstairs again but as she opened her door she heard Richard talking in the hall.
    â€˜She was terribly upset, Clare. Father didn’t even say goodbye to her.’
    â€˜Oh, poor Violet!’
    â€˜I asked if the rent of her flat was paid …’
    Jane stepped back into her room and quietly closed the door. So Richard had been to see some woman friend of his father’s – though ‘friend’, presumably, was hardly the right word … perhaps one ought to be shocked but one wasn’t. And one felt sorry for the woman – how dreadful not to have been said goodbye to! Surely if Rupert cared seriously …?
    Tempted to open the door again and listen, she firmly switched her thoughts to the coming interview with Miss Willy. The shoes she meant to wear could do with a polish.
    He had asked her to help his children. Well, tomorrow she would do her best for Merry.

    The next morning, Merry suggested she should accompany Jane. ‘I could sit outside in the car and you could call me in to thank Weary Willy if everything’s all right – as I’m sure it will be; she was really very kind to that girl who lost both parents. And then I could take you round the school and the grounds and show you the darling ponies.’
    But Jane said it would make her nervous if Merry waited almost on the doorstep; also it would be unfair to Miss Willy.
    ‘You mean it would make it harder for her to refuse? Well, we want to, don’t we? Still, if you’d rather I didn’t come …’
    Jane got ready and was carefully inspected.
    ‘You look marvellous – what she calls beautifully groomed. Just wrinkle your gloves a bit more.’
    They went out into the sunny autumn morning and Jane started her car. Merry issued last instructions.
    ‘Park a bit to the right of the front door; then Weary Willy can see the car from her window. You can’t miss the school. It’s less than half a mile beyond the village – a big Queen Anne house with lots of additions. It used to be the Hall. If you get nervous, try not to let her see it. Be a bit grand.’
    Jane already felt nervous and became even more so when she sighted the school across its large grounds. It was so impressive that she feared she would not be seen without an appointment. But after sending her name in by the smartlyuniformed maid she was kept waiting only a moment and Miss Willy, rising to shake hands, seemed pleased to see her.
    The head mistress was willowy, long-necked and very fair, her flaxen hair slightly greyed. In Pre-Raphaelite days she might have passed for a beauty. In her strictly tailored suit she looked somehow wrong. Still, Jane eyed the suit’s cut with respect. She accepted the indicated chair, facing the light, thanked Miss Willy for seeing her and began to introduce herself.
    Miss Willy interrupted, her languid voice curiously at

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