have ever seen him, but they swear they have.” There was a long pause. The story of the mythical alligator made me weepy. “Hello? Jenna?” “Hey, I’m here on campus,” I said. “I know. I’m here too. I ’m parked on the other side. I have just been watching you. I could do this all day long. It’s cool to watch you when you don’t know you’re being watched.” “ Ew , Ryder. That’s a little creepy.” “You should talk. You have made it a hobby to sit on the john and watch me sleep.” “You got me there. I suppose we should go in and face the music. I will see you in the office. The dean probably has a hidden camera on us to read our body language so we should go in separately.” **** Going into the office was routine for me. I walked in confidently wearing a pair of cords and a golf shirt. I was tired of dressing up as if I were entering a court of law. A decision had been made and my attire would not have mattered. I walked up to the desk where I was greeted by the fat chick. By then, I knew her well, and she appeared grandmotherly to me. “Hello, Jenna. You know the drill. The dean will be out in a moment.” The woman smiled. Ryder arrived behind me and took a seat next to me on the leather couch. He had on a blue oxford and a yellow tie with a tack in the shape of a golf club. “Hello, Jenna, how are you?” Ryder asked. I wanted to grab his face in my hands and start making out with him so we could go out in a blaze of glory. “I’m fine, thanks, Professor Curran.” Dean Meadows appeared at his office door and nodded at us to enter his office. He was sporting the gray suit again. I was aware that men often wore the same suit but changed the tie and shirt. He always wore a white shirt and the tie had never been anything snazzy. “I have met with you each individually, and I have also had the chance to meet with your mother.” The dean looked at me. “Quite a colorful woman.” The comment pissed me off because I knew he didn’t mean it as a compliment. I wanted to show him a bit of color. I wanted to smack the smug smile off his face so that he would bleed all over his gray suit. I was snapped back to reality when Ryder started to speak. “I hope you have come to some sort of conclusion, Dean. I can deal with this mess, but you’re putting Jenna’s future at risk. She had no way of knowing that her choice of a golf instructor would land her in this predicament. Imagine the stress put on her.” “We have completed our investigation. It seems that we have insufficient evidence to prove that you’re involved in any sort of inappropriate relationship.” “Yes!” I interrupted. Both Ryder and the dean looked at me—I shut up. “It seems that the parties who reported seeing you were not reliable sources. We obtained this information from an unnamed source. It sent our investigation in another direction and the two of you were exonerated . Professor Curran, you will be reinstated immediately as an assistant professor for the remainder of the semester. You will be teaching Human Sexuality along with Professor Flynn. He has done a wonderful job in your absence. Next semester you will be teaching human sexuality. We have decided to monitor your class by keeping Flynn by your side. As far as you go, Ms. Walsh. You will begin next semester as a new student. We will reimburse you for this semester. You will be allowed back on campus in the spring and you will be assigned new housing. Your records will be cleaned of this matter. We cannot dictate who you choose as a golf instructor, Ms. Walsh, or who you choose to teach golf, Professor Curran. Please be aware, however, that any romantic relationship between a professor and a student is prohibited . Consider this a final warning for such behavior. Do you have any comments or questions?” “When or if I resume teaching, I’m not allowed to have a romantic relationship with any student at this university?” Ryder