The Neighbor #2 (The Neighbor Romance Series - Book #2)

Read Online The Neighbor #2 (The Neighbor Romance Series - Book #2) by Claire Adams - Free Book Online

Book: The Neighbor #2 (The Neighbor Romance Series - Book #2) by Claire Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Adams
colors because they are often
sold inexpensively. There is not a huge demand for these shades. They were made
in error or they are the results of combining factory leftovers. I think it’s a
nice change. Moss green and beige are boring.”
    “I know a little about a lot. Don’t be too
impressed.” Ryder smiled and turned up the music.
    Ryder threw me a gym bag as we pulled onto the
gravel road by the lake.
    “What’s this? More surprises?” I asked as I grabbed
the bag.
    “Not really but you never know when you are getting
another surprise with me. Your reaction when I gave you the golf clubs was so
damn cute. My bad, you hate being called cute. You were so jubilant.”
    “Nice save Ryder.” I winked and opened the gym bag.
“Shorts and a pair of used sandals.”
    “It is just stuff my niece left in my car. She is 12
years old and I hang out with her sometimes. I like to help my sister when I
can. She is about your size so I thought you could use her things.”
    “We’re the same size?”
    “Yep. She’s going to be tall like her dad. He’s almost seven feet.”
    “Was there something wrong with my clothes though?”
    “Jenna. You would look amazing in a potato sack. I
didn’t want you to get your white jeans filthy.”
    “What are you planning?” I asked.
    The car came to halt.
    “Wait by the picnic table over by the shore. I will
be back shortly. It’s a surprise. There is a restroom that you can change in.”
    I hopped out and Ryder drove off.
    Ryder took off, leaving me alone by the lake. I hit
the restroom to change my clothes. There was a pair of jean shorts that fit
perfectly. They were snug but that was a good thing. I planned to keep on my
yellow tank because Ryder liked the color but I threw on the white one provided.
I would transform back into a sunflower later. I brushed my hair, remembering Ryder’s
gentle touch from earlier. I decided to leave my hair down, but I put an
elastic hair tie around my wrist just in case.
    I wore the water shoes provided by Ryder. I guessed
that they were appropriate for whatever he had planned. I took a seat at the
picnic table. It was worn and marked with the initials of lovers past who had
left their memories. If I had a pen, it would be tempting to scrawl “RC+JW” but
even the thought was too saccharine sweet. I giggled at the passing thought.
    A few people were enjoying the lake. There were
small families with children in diapers that looked to be weighing them down. I
spotted couples. Some appeared to be young and testing out a new romance and
others were older. The latter didn’t speak much, as they seemed to communicate
just fine without words.
    It was a lovely fall day. Some found it difficult to
distinguish a day in late September from a day in mid-April. The temperature
was similar but the smell was vastly different. There was the smell of home, a
musky scent that was hard to explain. There was also a tenor in the air in the
fall that was missing in the spring. A sense of calm. It was the time of year to focus on the important things in life like family,
friends and home.
    The water on the lake was flat and gin clear. In the
distance, I saw gathering clouds but they had no effect on the lake. The trees
were swaying slightly. There were rain trees and magnolia that were past their
bloom but were still wearing brilliant green foliage and provided shade. Rows
of palmetto trees circled the edge of the lake. A landscape crew had arranged
them perfectly although they were native to South Carolina and probably would
have grown there anyways.
    A few great blue herons stood in repose. They waited
patiently for the right fish to grab. Brown pelicans showed a different approach
as they dove headlong into the water. I thought what type of
fish were lurking beneath the water. Perhaps we were going to fish.
    Finally, I heard Ryder’s vehicle driving back up the
gravel road. He got out of the car. Gone were the tie and khakis. He wore a

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