The Moretti Heir

Read Online The Moretti Heir by Katherine Garbera - Free Book Online

Book: The Moretti Heir by Katherine Garbera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Garbera
Tags: Category, Moretti Legacy, Man Of The Month
    She felt a frisson of fear at his words. He could never know about her past. His family and hers were enemies. Real life Capulet and Montague stuff.
    “My past isn’t important, Marco. Only what we have when we are together. Make love to me.”
    She felt more vulnerable now than she had just a second before. “I want to know that I’m really here in your arms.”
    He bent down to trace the scar with his tongue. His hands cupping the weight of both her breasts, one long forefinger stroking up and over her nipples. She shivered in his embrace, needing more of him. He made her react so quickly…he was like a flame she couldn’t stay away from.
    She tunneled her fingers through his thick black hair and held his head to her body. He murmured something in Italian against her skin. Then she felt his lips against her breast. His mouth moved over the skin, tongue licking and teeth lightly scraping until she was desperate for more of him. She needed more than just his mouth lightly touching her.
    His hand on her other breast just kept stroking lightly, until she couldn’t stand it a second longer. She pulled his head up to hers and kissed him deeply, sucking his lower lip into her mouth and biting him. She shifted in his arms until her breasts were pressed to his chest.
    The cool fabric of his shirt shocked her naked skin. She hadn’t realized he was still fully dressed and she was wearing nothing but her silky thong. The thought of being naked in his arms was very arousing.
    He stood back up and lifted her onto the bed. Pulling his mouth from hers, he bent down to capture the tip of her breast. His hand still played at her other breast, arousing her, making her arch against him in need.
    She reached between them and stroked his erection through the fabric of his pants, spreading her legs wider so that she was totally open to him. “I need you now.”
    He lifted his head. The tips of her breasts were damp from his mouth and very tight. He pressed his chest against them.
    She reached up to unbutton his shirt. “Leave it. I need to be inside you now.”
    She nodded, and instead fumbled with his belt, finally getting it unfastened. Then she couldn’t get the button at his waistband open. “Damn it.”
    He laughed softly and brushed her hands aside so that he could unfasten his own pants. She heard the swish of fabric and then felt the warmth of his erection against the center of her body. He rocked his hips against hers, rubbing the length of his arousal against her feminine core.
    She needed him inside her. She reached between them and took him in her hand, positioning him for easy entry. But she could get no more than the tip inside her body.
    He held his hips still, and no matter how she squirmed or moved, he wouldn’t budge. Finally she looked up at him. “What are you waiting for?”
    “I’m waiting for you to really want me.”
    “I do. I want you inside of me right now. I feel like it’s been a lifetime since we were together, and I’ve missed you so much.” The words wouldn’t stop coming, and she knew she’d revealed too much, but she couldn’t help herself. “Please, Marco,” she said again. She ran her hands down his back, cupping his buttocks and trying to draw him closer to her.
    He gave her barely an inch. “That’s all you get.”
    His words were breathed right into her ear and almost made her climax. She shifted in his embrace, trying to take him deeper.
    “Marco, please, I need more.”
    “No. You were a bad girl.”
    “When I left?”
    “Yes,” he said, pulling his hips back and thrusting into her again, still just an inch.
    She wanted him madly. She needed to feel him deeper inside of her body instead of just at the threshold.
    “Yes, Virginia?”
    “I’m sorry I left.”
    “That’s good, cara mia, ” he said, giving her another inch.
    She shivered around him and felt the first fingers of an orgasm dancing up her spine. She clutched at his buttocks

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