relationship, career path, or health condition—you can tap into fire’s dynamic power. Magicians link the fire element with creativity, action, and the will to make things happen. You can also employ fire energy to banish fear, see the future, or in purification spells and rituals. People who have a lot of fire energy in their makeup tend to be self-confident, passionate, impulsive, outgoing, vigorous, and courageous individuals.
Your Power Element
Each witch has one element to which she most strongly responds, called a power element. By working with and tapping into that element, a witch can energize herself and her magickal processes. Determine your power element by going to places where you can experience each element intimately. For example, sit beside a stream, lake, or ocean to connect with the water element; stand high on a windswept hill to feel the air element. Pay attention to your reactions. Once you determine which element energizes you, find ways to expose yourself to it regularly, to refill your inner well.
Fire Correspondences
You’ll discover many more things that correspond to the fire element as you progress in your magickal studies. We’ll discuss more as we go along, but here are some that you’ll use often in your spellworking:
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Tarot Suit: Wands/Rods/Staves
Magickal Tools: Wand, Candles
Colors: Red, Orange
Stones: Stones that contain sparks of light or rutiles, such as fire opals, star sapphires, and red phantom quartz
Water comprises more than 70 percent of our earth’s surface and about 60 percent of our bodies. Of course, water is essential for life. Consequently, we associate the water element with nourishment. Water moves constantly—the oceans’ shifting tides, the rolling rivers and rippling streams, the rains that fall to earth—and so we sense change and movement in this element. Because we wash in water, we think of this element as cleansing, clearing, and healing. Even today, people go to hot springs and spas to “take the waters.” Since ancient times, people have gathered at sacred wells and reported seeing holy visions in streams and other bodies of water. Thus, water relates to spirituality and mysticism.
Ancient Water Healing Practices
According to an old European custom, dew gathered at dawn banishes illness, making it a good base for curative potions. Bathing in the water from a sacred well, dipping your hands into the ocean’s water three times and then pouring it behind you so the sickness is likewise “behind” you, or releasing a token that represents your sickness into the waves are old spells that you can still use today.
Characteristics of the Water Element
The water element embodies the characteristics of nourishment, healing, purification (physically and spiritually), intuition, emotion, and creativity. Tap this element to “water” spells for growth and abundance, or to nurture your creativity. Water energy is changeable and unpredictable—it can manifest as a gentle rain or a typhoon. Thus, it’s a good energy to draw upon when you’re doing spells for change or to stimulate movement—the trick is to control the energy so you get just the right amount. Because the moon affects the tides, it has connections with the water element. Purification spells and rituals also draw upon the water element. Magicians often take ritual baths before doing spells and wash magick tools with water to purify them. People who have a lot of water energy in their makeup tend to be emotional, sensitive, intuitive, imaginative, and compassionate individuals.
Water Correspondences
We’ve already talked a bit about the use of lunar energy and intuition in spellwork, and you’ll learn more as you go along. We’ll discuss the water element in later chapters, but for now make note of these correspondences that you’ll most likely use in your spellworking:
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Tarot Suit:
T. J. Brearton
Fran Lee
Alain de Botton
Craig McDonald
William R. Forstchen
Kristina M. Rovison
Thomas A. Timmes
Crystal Cierlak
Greg Herren
Jackie Ivie