The Miami Millionaire

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Book: The Miami Millionaire by Dawn Tamayo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Tamayo
mind me calling you Ben do you?  You can call me Jake.”
    Victoria nearly laughed aloud when she looked at the expression on Jake’s face as he talked to Ben Churchill, it was thoroughly cheeky and totally in control. 
    “The thing is Ben, I’m flying back on Thursday morning so I’m very busy…… Yes I’m sure you do appreciate that and I know I am not giving you much time to get a pitch together ……. So the only timeslot I have is tomorrow afternoon at two thirty directly after my lunch meeting.  I’ll swing by your office and we can get half an hour together and you can tell me what your company can offer us.  Is that good for you?”  Jake smiled wickedly at Victoria.  She put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from spluttering out her wine with laughter – it was nice to hear Ben Churchill being on the receiving end for once.
    “Great.  Nice to talk to you Ben.”  Jake said pronouncing the man’s name deliberately as he winked at Victoria, “See you tomorrow.”  And with that he hung up the phone and handed it back to her.
    “Now that’s sorted can we get on with having a nice dinner Vicky?”
    That was the second time he had called her that.  No one had called her Vicky since she was at school.  “It’s Victoria.  No one calls me Vicky.”
    “Well I think Vicky suits you.”  Jake quite liked being the only one to call her that.  “So, since we are off the work clock and unless you object……?”
    Victoria shook her head quickly.  Jake could call her anything he wanted just as long as she got his account, after all that was why she was here.  Just then Victoria realised she hadn’t called Mark to tell him she was going to be late home - it would be sod’s law tonight would be the rare time Mark made it home at a decent time, and this time it would be her who was working late, not that it really felt like work sitting across the table from Jake eating delicious food. Quickly she tapped a message into her phone and pressed the send button, and then she put it away in her bag just in time for the main course to be served.
    Victoria enjoyed the selection of the ginger lobster, spicy noodles with Chinese vegetables and flambéed beef in a sweet spicy cream sauce as she listened to Jake talk about Miami and how much he loved it. 
    “Have you ever been to Miami?”  Jake paused to ask.  Even if Victoria had been to Miami he knew it was different going on a holiday to actually living and working in Miami, and seeing the real places and meeting the real Miami people, not holidaymakers. 
    “Yes a couple of times.  Once when I was young with my family and then about ten years ago, but I bet a lot has changed since then.”
    Jake nodded, it certainly had changed, and all for the better.
    “So I guess the party never really stops for you does it?”  She asked picturing Jake’s description of the latest marketing event his PR team held on a one hundred and forty foot yacht on the Miami coastline.
    “Some call it partying, some call it working.  But to me they somehow seem to cross over and that’s what I like.  I couldn’t be like my father and sit in a glass office from eight in the morning to seven o’clock at night, Monday to Friday.  I would rather take my work outside and do it anytime, even if it means I do have to make some sacrifices.
    “Ooh it sounds like such a hard life.  I’m sure the sacrifices are worth it, whatever they are.”  Victoria joked imagining the hardship of women draping themselves over Jake as people dropped presents at his feet just to get his attention and served him ice cold drinks at his command.
    Jake looked serious for a moment and then the familiar sparkle returned to his eyes and he smiled his devilish grin again, “I guess it could be worse.  Next week we release our new line in Vodka from one of our smaller companies so I’ll be drinking a lot of that at just about every opportunity.”
    “Oh no, how difficult!” 

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