The McKinnon

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Book: The McKinnon by Ranay James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ranay James
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his life. No harm would come to her, at lease not from his quarter. Just because he did not want to marry her, did not translate into him taking his frustrations out on her. The king’s displeasure was enough to prevent it, even if his own honor was not adequate. It certainly was where she was concerned.
    “Bloody hell,” Morgan mumbled, breaking through his thoughts. She was having a devil of a time in her attempts to keep Demon out of the brambles and her on his back.
    Damn, he thought.
    He needed to get her another horse before this one stopped allowing her to control him, and that was exactly what was going on between those two. The horse was docile enough to allow her to keep her seat.
    Not for the first time, he wondered exactly where she picked up this beast. Had there had been a choice in taking the horse verses another? Nic was beginning to think not. He had also changed his opinion of the horse. At first, he thought the magnificent animal untrained and unruly. Now, he knew Morgan was an inexperienced rider. So much so, it surprised Nic that she even knew which end of the horse she was supposed to face.
    He needed to get her a different mount for several reasons.
    First, the horse was too much animal for her, especially without a saddle and they could ill afford another tumble.
    Second, a horse like this drew way too much attention.
    “Come, Morgan. Let’s get off this road.” He grabbed the reins of her horse and led her farther into the woods off the main road.
    Nic dismounted and walked up beside her. “Come down off that brute.” He waved her down then held up his hand to help her dismount.
    She refused his offer of help sliding off Demon’s wide back and falling flat on her rump on the leaf-covered forest floor. Nic turned away from her before she could see him smile.
    Stubborn wench, he thought. But, he admired her spirit of independence. 
    “Morgan, now that we are close to Bristol, I need to trade your mount and get one more suitable for you. I need you to stay behind while I do it."
    Nic saw her expression. Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked at him speculatively.
    "It will be less notable if a knight rides in on a horse like yours. And, I think we both can agree that being noticed is something neither one of us wants or needs with the search party still within in the area. You know it is best.”
    Morgan still looked suspicious.
    Nic sighed heavily. He really did not have time to debate his position on this. “You trusted me last night to guard your very existence. Now, you do not trust me with the exchange of your horse?” he questioned. “Are you afraid I'll take him and not come back?” He thought perhaps that was exactly what she was thinking.
    He paused as if he expected her to answer the question. She only stared.
    What was she afraid of? His stealing her horse was not it, she decided that rather quickly. If that were his intent there had been plenty of time this morning while she was still asleep to steal her horse. It was something else that nagged her.
    “If it makes you feel better and gives you a feeling of security, I'll leave you Trojan. I can assure you his worth far exceeds this animal’s value. He is a trained warhorse, and I do not have to tell you a man in my profession values his horse as much as his own life. Do not think for one moment I would leave him behind. I might leave you behind, but never him,” he teased.
    She found no humor in what he said and stayed silent. His leaving her was what she feared. He saw that clearly.
    So did she.
    He belied her fears. “I’m not abandoning you, Morgan. Stay here out of sight and stay as quite as possible. I will be gone much of the day. I promise I will try to be back by mid-afternoon.”
    Morgan did not know what to feel. She would be totally defenseless and alone. He was correct, however, so she would remain behind.
    "I'll bring back enough supplies to get us to London.”
    Morgan nodded, yet was uncertain.

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