The Marriage Certificate

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Book: The Marriage Certificate by Stephen Molyneux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Molyneux
    ‘Try the electoral roll. Find out if the Essex County
Records Office has voting records for Leyton. See if you can find out how long
Mr Williams lived at his address and whether he was there fifty years ago or
so, when his parents might still have been alive. You never know, the record
might show other registered voters at the same address and if they were family
members, then we may be on to something.’
    ‘I’ll get on to that straight away.’
    ‘Let me know how you get on.’
    Carol returned to her desk downstairs and looked up the
number of the Essex County Records Office. She gave them a call and afterwards
spoke to Nick on the internal phone system. ‘I’ve tracked down the voting
records for the time period we want. One set is at the Vestry House Museum,
just down the road in E17. They’re on microfilm. Shall I go down there or ask
someone else?’
    ‘Pop down there yourself. It’s not far. Go this afternoon.
That should give you plenty of time to look thoroughly.’
    Nick put down the phone and leaned back in his comfortable
leather office chair. He pondered his conversation with Carol. This case was
fourteen years old, so competition, at the moment, was unlikely. It had
obviously gone cold. He had a feeling though about this one, and the thrill of
solving an old case always got his investigative juices flowing … that and of
course the possibility of a nice fat commission.
    The hunt was on.

    Louisa and Rose were upstairs at
The George Hotel. The reception had gone extremely well. The men had retired to
smoke cigars and enjoy a brandy. Louisa, John, his parents and Aunt Beatrice
were to leave together, as they were all travelling to the Isle of Wight. It
would be Louisa’s first trip to the island and she was looking forward to
staying at Arthur and Florence’s hotel in Ventnor for three nights’ honeymoon.
    ‘Oh Louisa, Frank is so amusing and such good company. I
can’t believe my luck to be paired with him today. We seemed to have so much to
talk about. I know you told me he was nice, but I never imagined he could be
such fun and so good-looking too. Is the Isle of Wight full of men like John
and Frank?’
    ‘I doubt it. I think they’re the pick of the bunch. I told
you Frank was nice and that you didn’t need to worry! Mind you, watch him Rose;
I’ve seen how he looks at you. I think he might be well and truly smitten.’
    ‘Do you think so Louisa, really?’
    ‘Yes I do, and like I say, watch out!’
    Louisa beckoned to Rose to come close. ‘Rose, I know I can
trust you. I want to let you into a secret. You must promise me that you won’t
tell anyone,’ she whispered.
    ‘Of course, of course … goodness, Louisa, what on earth is
it? Have you got some terrible thing to tell me about John? … or even Frank?’
    ‘Shush, listen … I’m pregnant,’ she whispered.
    ‘What do you mean, you’re pregnant?’
    ‘I mean, I’m pregnant. I’m going to have a baby. It happened
on John’s last leave, back in early December at John’s house.’
    Rose put her hand to her mouth.
    ‘Look don’t look so shocked,’ declared Louisa. ‘I know it’s
… but, well it’s happened!’ she continued. ‘I was so worried at Christmas when
I was late, and when I missed completely I was in such a panic. I told John as
soon as he came back and he said that we would get married straight away.
That’s why it’s all been a bit of a rush.’
    ‘Does your father know?’
    ‘No, of course not … and I don’t want him to know, at least
not yet.’
    ‘So what’s going to happen?’
    ‘Well, everything’s fine now. We’re married and if the baby
comes on time, well we can just say that it came early. I’m due at the
beginning of September. Mind you, I am worried. I can’t stop thinking about my
mother and what happened to her.’
    ‘Don’t be silly, you’ll be fine. You’re fit and healthy. I
thought you were a bit quiet at Christmas. I assumed it was because you said

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