The Manga Girl

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Book: The Manga Girl by Lorenzo Marks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorenzo Marks
Tags: Erótica
          Lucy pulled away and began dancing solo, arms raised, and the gap around her grew wider. People were watching, and Nick watched too - her breasts, bouncing freely under her red top, her flat stomach, the way she seductively rotated her jean-clad behind. She was relaxed and unselfconscious, clearly accustomed to being the center of attention, and again Nick experienced a mixture of both pride and insecurity as he noticed the envious looks he was receiving.  
          Watching her move, Nick thought back to their bizarre sex session that afternoon. The memory of her naked body’s texture and scent, and the thrill of knowing he was the only one here who had seen her unclothed, gave him a semi hard-on.
          The music changed, slower beat, and Lucy came close again, making contact, her hands on Nick’s shoulders. She felt his hardness against her and grinned again, her pink tongue poking between her lips.
          “I think Summer knows,” she said.
          “You haven’t told her?”
          “That ‘intuition’ thing again?”
          “I think it’s obvious.”
          Nick put his hands on Lucy’s waist and she pressed her face against his neck.
          “The guys know,” he said. “I didn’t say anything, they just figured it out.”
          “It’s okay.”
          “I wasn’t sure, you know? What to tell people.”
          “About what?”
          Lucy didn’t respond, so Nick added awkwardly, “If there is an ‘us’.”
          Once again, the enigmatic Lucy failed to answer. Instead, she kissed him a lingering open-mouthed kiss, heedless of anyone watching them. If Nick had been a more sentient being, he would have taken this as a yes, but instead he was left feeling more bewildered than ever. Maybe Lucy didn’t know the answer herself.
          She broke off and looked into his eyes in a way that only she could.
          “Let’s go,” she said, taking his hand.
          Up on the balcony, the seating arrangements had changed. Tanya had switched places with Jason, so that she could be next to Rob, which meant that when they sat down, Lucy was sandwiched between Jason and Nick.
            A waitress brought over a tray of highballs, each topped with a cherry and a slice.
          “What are these?” Lucy asked.
          “Long Island Iced Teas,” Jason said.
          “I’ll pass,” said Summer, eying her glass suspiciously. “These are strong, aren’t they?”
          “Come on,” said Jason, “It’ll get the party going.”
          “I’ll take one,” Tanya said.
          “That’s the spirit,” Jason said. He raised his glass. “To new friends.”
          They all touched glasses, and Nick watched as Lucy sucked on her straw.
          “What do you think?” Jason asked her.
          Nick saw that Summer, sitting opposite, was studying the three of them. He couldn’t decide whether she was friend or foe. He was pretty certain that she was looking out for Lucy, but he couldn’t help thinking that she was also gleefully anticipating a potential locking of horns here.
          “So Summer was telling us that you’re a really talented artist,” Jason said to Lucy.
          “She exaggerates,” Lucy relied.
          “What do you paint?” he asked.
          “Most things.”
          “She does really great manga art,” Summer said.
          “Cartoons?” asked Andy.
          “Manga basically means cartoon or comic,” Lucy said, “but there are a lot of distinct styles. You ever hear of Astro Boy or Sailor Moon?”
          ”Oh yeah, it’s for kids right?” Andy asked.
          “Not all of it,” Rob grinned. “I’ve seen some pretty x-rated stuff on the internet.”
          There’s some pretty x-rated stuff in Lucy’s sketchpads too,

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