The Malhotra Bride

Read Online The Malhotra Bride by Sundari Venkatraman - Free Book Online

Book: The Malhotra Bride by Sundari Venkatraman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sundari Venkatraman
was hesitant as she made the request.
    Akshay shrugged. “Of course we’ll go if that’s what you want.” He wasn’t religious by nature but
    believed in God. Though not a regular visitor at temples, he wasn’t averse to the idea. “You’ll need to
    thank your favourite deity that you met me, right?” he asked, tongue-in-cheek.
    She wasn’t going to tell him that was exactly what she planned to do.
    Akshay drove the car away from the kerb, his large hands competent at the wheel. They reached the
    temple soon and went in. The place wasn’t very crowded as it was a week day. They entered the hall
    and turned right towards the sanctorum that was divided in three parts. There was Lord Rama,
    Goddess Sita & Lakshmana with Hanuman kneeling at their feet. Then there was Lord Krishna playing
    the flute along with Goddess Radha in the middle. The third section was taken over by Lords Nitai &
    Gauranga, staunch devotees of Lord Krishna.
    They knelt in the centre of the hall for a few minutes, with folded hands and bowed heads, offering
    their prayers.
    Sunita was glad to show off her boyfriend to Lord Krishna and walked out hand-in-hand with
    Akshay, a peaceful smile on her face.
    They left to go to Tangerine Café at Ramada Plaza Palm Grove. They found a corner table for two
    and sat down opposite each other.
    Akshay ordered a fruit mocktail for Sunita and a Martini for himself. The waiter left them alone
    after serving the drinks. “So, why Interior Design?” asked Akshay, genuinely interested.
    A dam burst forth as Sunita regaled him with her ideas. She was also keen to know about his stint
    abroad. He had visited the whole of Europe. He was a fascinating story teller and the two chatted
    comfortably as they ate their way through a plate of kebabs. Time flew on wings and she recalled that
    she had parents to answer to.
    “What’s the time?”
    Akshay looked at his sleek silver watch and said, “9.20.”
    He caught the shocked look on Sunita’s face as she paled. “Hey! Calm down. What happened?” He
    knew the answer even as he asked the question.
    Sunita raised her panic stricken eyes to Akshay. “It’s late. Pappa will be angry. Shall we leave
    please?” She was already on her feet.
    Akshay called for the bill and left immediately on paying. Sunita frantically checked her cell phone.
    She had kept it on silent when they entered the temple and forgotten all about it. There were seven
    missed calls from home and her father’s cell.
    Akshay could feel the tension bouncing off her as he drove to her home. He didn’t want to open his
    mouth as he was too angry with her parents.
    They reached the Rishi residence. The bungalow was blazing with lights while Gokul Rishi was
    pacing outside briskly.
    Sunita looked at Akshay, nervous. He put a finger to his lips and shook his head making it clear that
    she keep quiet.
    When they got out, Akshay walked casually towards Gokul Rishi to say, “Good Evening Uncle.”
    No self-respecting man would treat his son-in-lawwith disrespect. Gokul Rishi replied in a low
    tone, “Good Evening to you, Akshay. Hope you had a good time. It’s rather late, son. I was getting
    Sunita watched the two of them, fascinated by their exchange. Her mother was standing beyond in
    the hallway, anxiously wringing her hands.
    “I’m sorry, Pappa. Sunita told me that. Then, you know how late it is when I get out of my office.
    I’m sure you understand that we need to spend some time together to understand one another. But
    women!” he rolled his eyes dramatically, “She nagged me so much, going on about getting late that I
    brought her back in a hurry.” Smart move!
    “Oh, I understand what you mean. Sunita, you’re not being fair to Akshay. I don’t want to hear any
    complaint the next time you go out. You should know how hard he works and gets home so late. What
    if there’s a delay? You need to learn to adjust,” he insisted in a weary voice. Talk about hitting

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