The Lush Life (Samantha Jamison Mystery Book 8)

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Book: The Lush Life (Samantha Jamison Mystery Book 8) by Peggy A. Edelheit Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peggy A. Edelheit
and retrieved a slip of paper from it. “Name, number, and address. Go check.”
    I seized it first. Clay leaned over me to read it too.
    “That town is in Upper Bucks County,” said Clay.
    I turned to stare back at him. “How’d you know that?
    Then Clay winked too. “I know more than you think.”
    You see what I have to constantly deal with? Ah, trust...
    “It’s about a forty-minute drive from here,” said Tony.
    I wasn’t sure if Tony was trying to send us on a wild goose chase or not. But the ramifications of his momma on the loose in the middle of everything going on didn’t set well with me. For my protection we had to search for her.
    Was she the nut who took that shot and texted me?
    She was such a sweet lady in the beginning...
    “Why don’t you look for her yourself?” I asked.
    “I’ve been in New Hope awhile, doing just that.”
    I smirked, remembering what Hazel told me. “I know.”
    Both Tony and Clay looked at me and said, “How?”
    I didn’t want to reveal what she’d said in front of Tony.
    I grinned at them both. “I know more than you think.” I made eye contact with Clay. “Let’s do it, okay?”
    Why we had enough sleuths here to open an agency!
    “Are you sure?” Clay asked, surprised by my stance.
    “Hey, the crew’s here, plus Mona, Scarlett, Teddy...”
    “Who’s Scarlett and Teddy? And who invited Mona?”
    ...Uh-oh. Obviously, I had some explaining to do.

    Chapter 26
    Interrogation Techniques
    Dictionary definition of interrogate: to question, cross-examine closely, debrief, pump, grill either formally or informally. This took place in Alicia’s office with the door closed so no one could hear our loud voices arguing.
    “What do you mean you don’t know who Scarlett is?” I asked. “You’re telling me you didn’t invite her here?
    This was not what I was hoping to hear.
    “As far as Teddy and Mona being here, we need to discuss that too. Why are you so upset? I had nothing to do with any of this. It’s me that should be upset! After getting shot at and everything, I...”
    “Whoa! Back up. ...Shot at?” Clay asked wide-eyed.
    “Haven’t you gotten all my emails and texts?” I asked.
    Clay began pacing. “No, not one! What is going on?”
    So I told him in great detail. It took one solid hour.
    When I finished Clay stopped pacing. “Unbelievable! I’m gone for just a few days and all this happened!”
    “It’s obvious that someone has compromised our email, phones, computers and who knows what else,” I said. “And for what purpose? A stupid collectable book!”
    “Must be a hell of a read,” Clay said, hugging me tight.
    I pouted. “You’re lucky I always listen for and check my texts and emails diligently. Otherwise I’d be toast.”
    Clay held me tight. I could feel his heart beating against mine. Then he kissed the top of my head. “Where would I get another Blondie like you. You’re irreplaceable, Sam.”
    “How true.” I was just loving this cuddling thing we had going on. It was so long since we had done this.
    ...Okay, maybe just a few days, but I was needy.
    Clay then leaned back a little to look into my eyes. He tilted my chin up to meet his lips that had killer-kiss written all over them. I wasn’t quite sure if I swooned or not, but probably did. My knees felt weak as he then tracked kisses over my eyes and down my neck, murmuring softly.
    “Eyes deep as liquid pools.”
    “Lips as soft as pillows.”
    “A neck like a swan...”
    “What?” I said, leaning away. “My neck is that long?”
    Clay threw his head back, laughing. “Leave it to you to parse every word I say. You’re too literal, Sam.”
    I huffed. “Well, I’m an author. I’m supposed to.”
    “Take note, my pretty little scribe. I’m sorry you had to experience this without me here. But it sounds like you and your crew have handled this perfectly so far. How’s that?”
    “Really?” I said, sifting his words for the punch line.

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