The Luckiest

Read Online The Luckiest by Mila McWarren - Free Book Online

Book: The Luckiest by Mila McWarren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mila McWarren
night at the Boardwalk we were talking about that game-leveling guide. Here is the link.
    It was good to see you and to finally meet the rest of your friends. Alex and Jasmine liked y’all.
    * * *
    Really, that’s what you’re saying this morning? You sound like an alien. What is wrong with you?
    Hey Aaron,
    Thanks for the link. Obviously that conversation about a video game was the most important thing that happened last night.
    Nikhil Warren
    * * *
    Thanks for making this easy, Nik. Your compassion is over­whelming. But fine.
    You disappeared pretty fast after we got off the Ferris wheel. Were you mad at me? Or upset?
    * * *
    My mom was on her way and you know how she gets if she has to wait. And the whole thing was kind of weird because everybody was there? If I had a chance to do that over again, it would be when it was just us.
    * * *
    I’m sorry. I couldn’t wait anymore. I thought it was kind of perfect but I guess not.
    It’s okay if you just want to be friends, but I really wanted to try. I never did that before, so thanks for at least not freaking out. It will be an okay memory, I think. :-)
    * * *
    That is not at ALL what I want, Aaron. It was perfect in every way except for that one. I just didn’t know what to do—you already know I’m a dork. I feel like I’m making you feel bad and I’m sorry—that is not what I want.
    Are you going to make me say it?
    * * *
    I think you better.
    * * *
    I was really glad when you held my hand—you have really nice hands. And you’re right—it was pretty romantic.
    Before, when I imagined a boyfriend, I never thought he could be as cute as you. Now when I imagine a boyfriend, he IS you.
    * * *
    Wow. Okay. Now I’m blushing. And smiling.
    I am smiling a lot.
    Because I like you so much, Nik. You are a big part of my life and you are a big part of my coming out and I just LIKE you. I like how you get excited about things and I like how smart you are and I like your eyes, which just keep getting more gorgeous. I like how you like your little sister and how you aren’t shy or weird about it. I like that you’re a good trumpet player and I like that you don’t care who knows all these things about you. I like that you let ME know all these things about you, and also that last night you let me hold your hand.
    So will you be my boyfriend? Because you also have a really nice mouth and the next time I see you I want to tell you more things I like about you and then go from there.
    * * *
    I haven’t been able to stop smiling since last night. I know what you mean.
    Band practice lets out in 20 minutes (Mr. D is going to kill me if he sees me emailing but it’s worth it) and I am coming straight to your house if you say it’s okay.
    * * *
    It’s okay.


    A aron wakes to Alex letting herself into his room; she’s still dressed in boxer shorts and a tank top, and her hair is tied in two low pigtails.
    “Good morning,” she whispers.
    “Morning. What time is it?”
    “It’s a little after eight. I think everybody else is still sleeping, but I couldn’t stay in bed any longer. It’s dress day!” Her voice is hushed as she makes her way over to the bed and flips back the covers to slide in next to him. She doesn’t look likely to go back to sleep, though; her eyes are bright and her expression is filled with barely suppressed excitement. Aaron smiles.
    “It is dress day.” He yawns into his hand and rolls toward her. “When’s the last time you tried it on?”
    “Not since the final fitting. I didn’t want to ruin it.”
    “Mmmm, admirable restraint; I’m impressed.”
    “I’m not a moron, Aaron.”
    “No, I know. Sorry.” He scrubs at his eyes, willing himself to wake up a little more. “I just… it’s your wedding dress. It’s a big deal.”
    “I know.” She grins at him. “Can we do it now?”
    He pulled a face. “Now?”
    “Please? Please, please, please?”
    Alex is so cute like this, pigtails and all; she’s

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